Saturday, October 26, 2019

COEXISTENCE on the Obsidian Rim by SF Romance Author Shree C. Aier

Pipettes and Plows 1

Science is my jam! I think it is important to not just say you support science but do something concrete. I love to make science approachable and I thought sci-fi rom is a perfect sub-genre to introduce sci-fi to romance readers and romance to sci-fi readers.

I believe that the perfect future will be equitable for all genders, ethnicities, and disabilities and abilities. Also, I felt that a part of an equal future, is that every single person has the flexibility to be themselves. Women don’t have to smile, or be nice. Men don’t have to be ultra-macho; they are free to be as they want to be.

So, if you notice my cover, my main character who plays the feminine role, does not smile, and her nickname is Grumpy Gomez. The main character who is a masculine role with feminine shadows, smiles brightly. He is a genuine ray of sunshine to the point where his niceness is a form of annoyance to the aloof and self-centered Grumpy Gomez. I absolutely love him. Gomez is a reflection of myself – if someone tells me to smile? Well … let me just leave that sentence unfinished.

Writing within a shared world/universe was a fabulous experience. Working on the details with Elsa Jade and Maggie Lynch, was great. All the writers added their own flare to the universe and it was interesting to learn the various processes. This was my debut book and I learned so much from everyone. I am super grateful for this experience and the incredible kindness and confidence that all the writers had in me.

Book blurb
After a disastrous laboratory accident, exobotanist Dr. ShaylaRam Gomez is desperate to redeem herself in the eyes of the scientific community, and more importantly, her beloved father. But now, with her carefully nurtured study of new black bean seeds in tatters, Shayla is banished to a dishonorable tour of the Obsidian Rim worlds with the man responsible for destroying her reputation – the brawny farmer from some backwater planetoid, Dr. Rahim Xie.

The people who freed Rahim from a lifetime of slavery are struggling under crushing debt to the Earth’s Conservatory, and Rahim has vowed to save these destitute Prithvi and Rim farmers. He’ll even steal classified research on sustainable crops from his irascible mentor Grumpy Gomez. When he discovers that meticulous Shayla has a hidden maverick streak, Rahim is tempted to enlist her aid. He needs more than her secrets; he needs her and her brilliant mind to help his cause. But how can he ask Shayla to join a revolution that will pit her against her own father – a man known for his political ruthlessness?

Forced together with their dogbot and humanoid companions, they'll travel to the edges of a decaying galaxy to fight the corporate greed that is slowly starving the worlds of the Rim. Are these scientists planting the seeds of their own destruction – or will their reluctant collaboration blossom into something beyond mere coexistence.



Shree is, and always will be a perpetual student, and takes joy in learning new things. She is an avid reader and shares her love of books with her mother, and late grandmother. Her Amma was a voracious reader despite being educated only till the 8th grade. Shree dedicates her books to her Amma and her mother.

Shree is writing books to share her interest and awe of the world in its entirety – of animals, and plants, of invertebrates, of the living and the non-living. She also enjoys writing about relationships through light romance and fantastical worlds, as well as science -fiction.

Website and Links


Judith Ashley said...

Thank you for joining us this weekend Shree. Romancing The Genres is excited to support Obsidian Rim authors and their stories. Your reversal of the stereotype female/male personalities is a clever way to bring two people into close quarters but in a non-traditional way. And congratulations on this being your Debut Book. I saw you in the latest RWR as a new PAN member!

Shree said...

Thank you so much Judith!

Elsa Jade said...

I loved the way you had your heroine and hero learning to be true to themselves and each other as they adventured around the Obsidian Rim. The galaxy has space enough for everyone!

Papahalloprasad said...

Congrats again. A well deserved words of praise.

Shree said...

Thanks Elsa Jade. Yep the galaxy has enough space for everyone and annoying humans as well :)))

Shree said...

Thanks Papahalloprasad :)

Sarah Raplee said...

Love your blurb, Shree! Unique characters, plenty of conflict, a forced proximity trope, and a well-developed story world (and SCIENCE! Love science!) - what more can I ask for?

Can't wait to read this!

Luanna Stewart said...

Congratulations on your debut, Shree!!! *throws confetti

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Welcome to this crazy and at times frustrating writers world. Can't wait to read your work.

Marcia King-Gamble

Shree Aier said...

@Sarah thank you so much:)

Unknown said...

Thanks Luanna :) Its been quite a ride :)

Shree Aier said...

thank you Marcia!