Friday, October 18, 2019

Women of STEM #superhero #science

Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of scifi and supernatural stories to engage your emotions. But over the past year, I've been back to work full time. After 12 years as an analytical chemist in a metals and minerals laboratory, then 16 years as a stay at home mum, I've gone back to my first love - science - as a technician in a school for 11-18 year olds. I get to science, but still get to spend the holidays with my own children.

One of my tasks toward the end of the school year was to update one of the many noticeboards up in the science department, and I was asked to do something on women in STEM. Luckily for me, the Women You Should Know and The Mighty Girl websites have an awesome collection of free posters for Forces of NatureWomen of Science and Women of STEM. A little research meant I was able to add some extra paragraphs of information to the board as well. These women often had to fight their way to recognition and acceptance, many having to wait until years if not decades later for their accomplishments and contributions both to science and to feminism to be acknowledged - real superheroes. Without even knowing about many of them, their efforts meant I was able to take science at school without any awareness of any gender bias and without barriers to my education and later my career. In some ways, I've been more fortunate than most. So I was proud to make up this board and show another generation of students interested in science some of the pioneers that have led the way, and hopefully to encourage more young women to enter the field as I did. I hope you'll enjoy the posters too. I'm sharing a few of my particular favourites.


Judith Ashley said...

Pippa, I remember reading about Maria Curie when I was in school but she was an anomaly and perhaps would have slipped from our knowledge base if she didn't work with her husband. It horrifying to think of my life restricted by the constraints of a society/world that thought my only value was as someone who did what she was told, when and how she was told and was expected to stay home in support of her husband or to take care of her aging parents. That generation is not too far behind me...and these women lived in that generation but did so much more.

Judith Ashley said...

PS: Love the posters. Thanks for sharing them!

Sarah Raplee said...

These pioneering female scientists are indeed superheroes. What they accomplished is truly amazing! I love the posters. Thank you for sharing where to find them.