Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exploding Turkey...

Happy Thursday everyone! For many of us next week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving.

This is hands down my favorite holiday. It's calories without guilt and more importantly it is a time that everyone is encouraged to take a minute and 'count their blessings'/look at the positive/be thankful (or your wording of choice).

Sometimes I need this reminder that I have a lot to be thankful for...this year has been rough.

Charlie was hit in the head this summer which resulted in a concussion which led to finding out that he had a traumatic brain injury when he was 1 and 1/2 to 2 (before coming into my care) which explains some of his behavior.

I found out that I have diabetes (the lack of a steady diet of doughnuts has been brutal). Learning how to manage it has been stressful and often challenging. I know all of you parents/grandparents aren't going to believe this but my 7 year old grandson didn't want to give up Carbs...he doesn't want his meatballs on zucchini noddles... I know SHOCKER!!!!

I had a scare with cancer.

And there were a few more it would be easy to say 2019 sucked hairy troll toes. BUT...there were good times - so many....

Watching the sunset ...and wham you're taking a shower!

Celebrating a good report

Another day...and it's beautiful

Doughnut bling is almost as good as eating one

Spiders will be destroyed

Making homemade ravioli 

writing his 1st song

creepy setting for a story

Finally doggie hugs
 And for me this time of year is all about the memories of this year and all those before it...
Like the time I made Thanksgiving for my family and the turkey exploded... I mean we had turkey guts all over the entire oven. To the point it was a serious conversation if it could be cleaned or if we just needed to get a new oven!

We've all had those moments/events right?

So has my main character Joleigh in Christmas Reunion (a sweet romance with lots of animals). She runs an animal rescue reserve. She needed to build a holding area for 2 serval cats that were going to come and live on her reserve. She had the housing she just needed to get the fencing up. And it had to be totally enclosed. And it’s November (she lives in Wisconsin so it’s cold). And her then 4-year-old wanted to ‘help’. She told him to go inside the small house and make the beds for the cats. He’d be out of the way and warm. After struggling with the wire with cold hands. She finally gets the enclosure done – it’s totally self-contained with only a small hole for the food and water. She’s proud of herself. She calls her son. He comes out of the house. Proud of himself also for the beds he made. She then realizes she has NO way to get him out….

Where to buy Christmas Reunion

I'd love to hear your 'oh no' stories! See you next month

1 comment:

Judith Ashley said...

Lyncee, you have had a Very Full Year! So glad Charlie fell and you learned of the earlier brain injury. There is so much that can be done to repair the damage but first we have to know our brain is damaged.

Had to laugh when I read your paragraph about zucchini noodles. I purchased a box of them after a tasting at Costco. They still sit on the shelf...months later I'll add. And I actually liked them so...there is a food drive going on and I've considered just putting it out as I've reached the point I'm fairly sure I won't fix them for me...would have to have company that wanted to eat them also. Unlike Charlie, it isn't the taste or color, it's the reality that I have to "cook" as in heat up water which means turning on the stove, etc. - lol

May 2020 bring you and yours peace. You've earned it!