Saturday, November 2, 2019

How I Got Into the Christmas Spirit by Julie Cameron

Several years ago, while I was working with my manager in Los Angeles for my screenplays, she asked me if I had any that were holiday themed.

“They’re really looking for holiday movies right now,” she told me, which wasn’t great news for me at the time. I struggle mightily with the holidays.

But I didn’t want to lose momentum with my manager, so I said, “Uhhh… I can put one together.” Never say, “No” to your representation when you’re first starting out, right?

I ran away from home and holed-up in a condo in Winter Park, Colorado for a week to get it done. I brought in food, wine (lots of wine), and stayed in a place without internet access so that I could focus entirely on writing the screenplay. The pizza delivery guy and I were on a first name basis.

My first idea was to expose the commercialism around Christmas and make it an enlightening expose on how it’s all about the money.

Did I mention that I struggle with the holidays?

Or that I actually write romantic-comedies?

I wrote frantically at odd hours of the day and night, almost never leaving the condo for the entire week. When I finished the first draft, I was really excited about it. And so was my manager. And that was the birth of Christmas Spirit in screenplay format.

But, here’s the thing: It didn’t end up being about commercialism. I had interwoven all of my favorite family traditions and turned it into a love story, not only between the hero and heroine, but about Christmas itself. I realized that I love my family traditions, and that family is the very best part about the holiday season. My new screenplay was an homage to the holiday season.

The problem came, however, when I realized that, if I sold the screenplay, I would lose the rights to the story. I had become very attached to my story and the characters.

No problem, I thought. Simply “plop” it into novel format, put it in past-tense, add more detailed descriptions around all the dialogue, and voila! Instant book. Easy-peasy.

Not so much…

I did all of that, then sent it to my Content Editor for input. His response? “Yeah, you write like a screenwriter.” We worked, and then we worked some more. The book finally came together and was the beginning of a whole new series – and a whole new way of writing – for me.

Christmas Spirit is the first in the Landon Legacy series. The second book, Family Spirit came out in 2017, and also has a screenplay. The third book and screenplay, because, yes, I tend to write both at the same time now, is in-progress (I’ll probably need to run away from home again).

The screenplays for both Christmas Spirit and Family Spirit are currently with a production company in Los Angeles. (Nope, not Hallmark.)

Keep your fingers crossed for Christmas Spirit as a holiday movie in 2020. Putting it out there, gang. Wish me luck!

Julie Cameron is an award-winning author and screenwriter of contemporary romance and romantic comedy. She sits on the Boards of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW), and Writer's Guild of Astoria.  She is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), the Rose City Romance Writers Chapter of RWA, Willamette Writers, and Oregon Writers Colony. 

As a content editor, writing coach and instructor through her company, Landon Literary, Julie is also a member of Independent Book Publishers Assn. (IBPA), Colorado Independent Publishers Assn. (CIPA), Editorial Freelancers Assn. (EFA), and Northwest Editor’s Guild.

When she isn’t writing or working with clients, Julie enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and fellow authors in the literary community.

To learn more about Julie check out these links:
Landon Legacy series 


Judith Ashley said...

Julie, thank you for joining us here at Romancing The Genres as we Celebrate Holiday Romance. Great advice to never say "no" to your representation. A writer friend of mine now is an award winning playwright because she took a comment about the dialogue in her novel to heart and learned to write plays to enhance her skill in that area. Never do know where that "Yes" will take us.

Julie Cameron said...

Thank you so much, Judith, for letting me be a part of Celebrate Holiday Romance with Romancing the Genres! You are so right about not knowing where "Yes" might take you! Saying "Yes" to the Universe now, hoping it will take me to great places.

debjulienne said...

I love holiday romances, doesnt matter what genre or setting...always lovento share the festivities.

Julie Cameron said...

Yay, you, debjulienne! I love people who get excited about the holidays, especially holiday romances, because who doesn't love a Happily Ever After during the holiday season!

Sarah Raplee said...

Hi Julie, I love how you took an unwelcome assignment and turned it into an exploration of what you love about Christmas, instead of what you hate about commercialism!

I think I'll like Christmas Spirit!

Julie Cameron said...

Thank you Sarah! It was unexpected for me at the time, but I guess you can't help loving something when the people you love are involved in it. It really turned me around on the holiday.

I hope you enjoy Christmas Spirit, and would welcome any suggestions you might have for book number 3 (it will be Anna's story -- we get to know her a little bit more in Family Spirit).


Deb N said...

Julie - I'll have to read your book, so help me get out of the bah-humbug mood about commercialism :-) I do love good romantic holiday stories and movies. So I am sending positive vibes that we will see this book in movie form next season. Be sure to let us know (since it will mean I HAVE to turn away from Hallmark for a few hours :-) )

Julie Cameron said...

Thank you, Deb, for the positive vibes about the movie! Yes, I will keep everyone posted about it as things progress. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the book -- I know I really enjoyed writing it.