Debbie Young’s Author Website:
ALLi Self-publishing Advice Center Blog:
ALLi Membership Website
With a growing number of choices and
opportunities available to indie authors during 2019, it’s easy for us to feel
bewildered and overwhelmed. To help you decide your priorities for 2020, here
are my predictions for what next year will bring to the ever-changing
self-publishing landscape, with a little help from my colleagues at the
Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi)
With ever more aggregators making it easier
to reach more readers around the world, more indies will “go wide”, ie publish on
multiple platforms, despite the lure of page-read income from Amazon’s
Unlimited subscription reading service. The general acceptance that you now
have to “pay to play” on Amazon by investing in AMS advertising has unnerved
even those previously 100% committed to Select.
Sacha Black, manager of ALLi’s
Self-publishing Advice Center blog ( observes: “I’ve noted a trend in larger
indies who have been exclusive or with a narrow focus starting to look wide –
not only with books but also with products and income streams generally.
Whatever the big indies do, the masses eventually follow.”
Print Books
Until now, ALLi has recommended that indie
authors publish their print books simultaneously with KDP Print and IngramSpark
(more on why here:,
but I’m keeping a close eye on another print-on-demand service. The slick and
user-friendly aggregator Draft2Digital, an ALLi Partner member, has just
started piloting a print book service - one to watch in 2020. Read more about
the pilot scheme here:
Audio Books
In 2020, most authors will accept that
self-publishing is no longer just about ebooks and print, but that audio is an
essential part of the mix. Although
audio is expensive to publish, and relatively slow to repay the substantial
initial outlay, the public’s thirst for podcasts proves a ready-made habit for
listening at their leisure.
ALLi’s Multimedia manager Howard Lovy
reports; “In the battle between the eyes and ears, the ears have it. More
content is being listened to through podcasts and audiobooks as our devices
come along with us everywhere in our busy lives. We’re all going to have to
think about how our work sounds.”
In 2020, authors would be wise to take the
potential of audio into account even as they write their first drafts. Reading
your work aloud has always been a useful part of the self-editing process. Now
there’s another reason to do so: to test it will work as an audiobook.
Impact of New Technology
I can’t write about the new decade without
mentioning technology– although I confess AI etc goes over my head! So I’ll
turn to ALLi’s News Editor, Dan Holloway, for his predictions:
“AI will continue to increase in profile, but
there will be lots of unjustified hype, so treat most AI announcements with
caution. We are still a long way from it being really useful in helping us as
writers find our voice, so I think most of the applications will be marketing
based, like PublishDrive’s Savant. Blockchain is popping up again, but I’m not
sure whether this is genuinely post-hype or an aftershock of the initial hype.
The most exciting thing for me is VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented
Reality) – from a storytelling point of view it’s like the world’s biggest
sweet shop is opening up on our doorstep.”
Self-published Books
For many indies, 2019 was the first year that
they had ventured into substantial paid advertising campaigns, not only with
AMS (Amazon Marketing Services), but also with Bookbub and Facebook.
Each of these services requires a significant
financial investment with no guaranteed return. While many authors have made money
or broken even on their ads, others have lost money and given up. The
unpredictability of Amazon ads in particular makes it a nerve wracking
process: two identical ads, set up a day apart, can for no apparent reason yield completely different results, one flying, the other bombing. In 2020, learn as much as you can about each platform before making your investment.
ALLi Moderator David Penny also counsels
planning ahead for other means of reaching your readers:
“As ads become both more expensive and less
effective, authors will be forced to explore alternative means of reaching
people. This could mean the resurgence of some of the old methods and the even
greater importance of building your own list.”
In 2020, authors will be paying more
attention to the state of their list and trying to make it work harder for
them. But a word of caution. In 2019, Mailchimp, a longstanding favourite with
indie authors, radically changed its terms and conditions. Check you’re happy
with the terms offered by your current provider, especially if your planned
growth will require you to step up to a more expensive subscription category.
to Grow Your Mailing List in 2020
So, how to grow your list? Newsletter swaps
are big at the moment, although I query whether that bubble will burst as
readers accumulate more ebooks on special offer or free than they can
reasonably consume. Use newsletter swaps sparingly and appropriately so as not
to devalue your newsletter.
Another increasingly important tool will be a
mailing list magnet representative of your work to lure in new readers and to
maintain the loyalty of longstanding subscribers.
Content marketing in general – sharing
quality information and material relevant to your target readers - is also set for a revival, not least because
it does not require a huge budget or risk. It’s also enjoyable as it plays to
your strengths and your passions, rather than forcing you to step outside your
comfort zone. Find out more about content marketing here:
2020 Vision
But above all else, in 2020, focus. Prioritise
your key aims, rather than trying to do everything, because that way madness
lies. Ring-fence your writing time to keep growing and refreshing your
catalogue. And above all, be true to yourself.
Last word to Orna Ross:
“Drop what everyone
else tells you you should be doing and go creative.”
I wish you a happy and successful 2020 – and
above all, keep writing!
Young – Bio

She has also self-published
three collections of short stories, two of essays, and some self-help books,
and writes for local community magazines. She speaks at bookish events far and
wide, runs the Hawkesbury Upton Literature Festival ( and two local
writing groups, and is a regular guest on BBC Radio Gloucestershire’s Book
She is never bored.
Twitter: @DebbieYoungBN
Debbie - thanks for giving us heads-up on trends and expectations moving forward. Fascinating and daunting :-)
As an Alli member I'm always eager to hear what the group has seen that works or doesn't. I like the sounds of the coming year and have plans to get more of a handle on my readers. Thank you for the information and all of the links.
Fascinating post, Debbie, even for those who are not indie authors. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Debbie, for this interesting glimpse into the future of publishing. AI sails over my head as well. Growing my newsletter list will be my focus for the coming year, as well as keeping the subscribers I already have - they seem to be dropping like flies LOL. To that end, I plan to learn more about content marketing. Have a happy and joyous New Year!!
Debbie, Thank you for guesting with us again this year. ALLi's view of publishing is invaluable to those of us on the indie-path.
Great to see you here, Debbie. As an ALLi member I'm always watching the predictions of the people who are far ahead of me in sales.
I agree that one-to-one engagement with readers is the key takeaway for 2020. The question for me is what is the best way to get that. I do think email lists are key; however I also think that something like a chat bot and messenger is a good way to go as well--though not nearly as easy.
I go back and forth on advertising. The expense for the return is truly daunting. But you are absolutely correct that you have to keep writing or there will be nothing to be discovered, nothing to sell, nothing to advertise.
Thanks for taking time out of your very busy schedule to stop my here and talk to all of us romance folks.
Enjoyable and informative post, Debbie. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your comments, folks, and sorry to be slow to respond - illness took me offline for a little while over the holiday season and am only just catching up with 2020! Looking forward to seeing how the new year and the new decade pans out for us all - good luck with all your plans, and here's to a successful 2020 of writing and publishing for us all!
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