Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Heady Experience of The First Book by Lynn Lovegreen

Like your first love, your first book holds a special place in your heart. I feel so fortunate that I’ve had that experience.

Each author’s journey is different. In my case, it took about three years to write my first novel Fools Gold, since I had no idea what I was doing. Luckily, I had brilliant critique partners in my local RWA chapter, AKRWA, which got it into decent shape. I had a relatively easy time finding a publisher—it only took fifty queries and an online contest. And I had a couple great editors (at the former Prism Book Group) who worked with me to make it the best book I could write at that point. After that, it was publication time.  

In December of 2013, a box of books arrived at my door. I let out a little girl squeal, then cried, overwhelmed at the thought of my dream coming true. I set the open box in the living room for a week, gazing at it as often as possible. (Shout out to my loving and patient husband for stepping around it without complaint.)

Later, I got the thrill of sharing Fools Gold with others, seeing it in local bookstores and talking with readers. That was a heady experience, too. And I’ve published a few others now, which is also wonderful. But there’s nothing that compares with holding that first book in my hand. It still makes me sigh.

Wishing the same feeling for all of you, whether it’s a book or something else that’s special to you!

Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for over fifty years. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering at her local library. Her young adult historical fiction is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


Judith Ashley said...

First books are so special, Lynn. There are times I still shake my head in wonderment when I see my books in the book store.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Yes, it is pretty cool to see your book on display! :-)

Maggie Lynch said...

First books are definitely special. They carry the knowledge that you made it and all the hopes and dreams for your future. I love the cover on this one.

Are you still writing for writing Prism, or have you gone indie at this point?

Sarah Raplee said...

Hi Lynn, You described that mix of feelings when you first see your book in print perfectly! It's a magical moment.