Thursday, May 21, 2020

What to Celebrate?

In this time of uncertainty it might be kind of hard to find things to celebrate... but I'm here to help you!

To give us (Charlie and I) something different to do during this time of stay at home orders, I have started looking up things on Sunday that we might like to celebrate.

For example....

Today is talk like Yoda (Do or do not. There is no try)

Want to do a little stay at home birthday celebration? Just so happens that it's Fats Waller's birthday (we are going to listen to some of his music on YouTube.)

Also in 1932, Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic - I printed off directions on how to make different types of paper airplanes.

It's also National Strawberry and cream day - And who needs an excuse to eat strawberry shortcake???

On March 30th, we've made our 'take' on Vincent's vanGogh's Sunflower picture (let's just say that painting isn't our thing;-0)

The important this is to remember to celebrate! Don't forget June 5th is National Doughnut day...

What are some of your favorite things to celebrate?

See you next month!


Judith Ashley said...

A good night's sleep, especially after a not so good night's sleep.

Diana McCollum said...

Love that you've found different things to celebrate. Usually birthdays, anniversaries. All. the normal things. :))

Sarah Raplee said...

Today I'm celebrating playing our first game of Yahtzee with our youngest granddaughter via Zoom! Her fifteen-year-old brother joined me, my husband, my son and his sister, too!!! Guess he misses us, even though he doesn't say so. We spent a wonderful hour together while apart.

Sarah Raplee said...

I love your idea of looking up things to celebrate!!! You and Charlie have inspired me to try that with my granddaughter using Zoom.