Friday, August 21, 2020

Losing it All: Writing In A Pandemic #scifi #coverreveal

Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of sci-fi and supernatural stories with a romantic soul. It's been a while since I actually had a WIP, but I suppose the pandemic has had some positive outcomes. When I was first sent home from work, I threw myself into doing as much of my job as I could from home, closely followed by as much physical stuff as I could to keep my mind off the state of the world, and because the glorious weather just called me to spend time outside (and with my chickens). The thought of writing at such a time... didn't seem possible. I was worried about my family, my friends, my work colleagues, my job, my animals...the list was unending. 

But as life in quarantine settled into the new normality, boredom set in. Apparently boredom is a major trigger for my muse. I had several pieces in my files that were finished, or close enough to finished that really they shouldn't be much work to complete. I pulled open three of them, but one seemed to call into particular. A missing part of my main series that my editor said was needed before book three, that I had half written and knew what the rest of the story should be, but hadn't had the dedication to really stick at until done.

Like several of my stories, this was done more as background between books two and three so I had the details down for reference, but that had never been intended as a piece to be published. My editor was of a different mind. After assessing book three and repeated comments of 'wait, what, who are these people? Did I miss a whole book somewhere?!' I figured I'd better get it done. And what could be a more perfect time? Despite being started years earlier, the darker, more destructive tone of the story was at least in resonance with the near apocalyptic reality!

So months, if not years later than it should have been done, Redemption 2.5 is in the final round of edits. It is not the most romantic chapter of my main characters' life, that's for sure, and I have yet to determine a release date (I originally planned to release it just before book three, but as yet don't have the finances to send that to my editor for edits and a cover). Instead, I have two other pieces booked for edits in September - a winter solstice scifi mystery that I would like to release close to the time of year that it's set, and an angel short that will release next summer. In the meantime, you can read the blurb and get a look at the cover. If it doesn't give you the shivers, I'm hoping the story will...

How could a moment's anger destroy so much happiness?
It's a question that will haunt him. When an old enemy comes to Kasha-Asor to kidnap their daughter, armed with a weapon that could end everything, Keir is forced to leave an injured Quin on Lyagnius. But his quest for a cure and their missing daughter will come at a terrible cost.


Judith Ashley said...

Wow!!! And is "Lost Serenity" the Winter Solstice story? Again, I love your covers, Pippa.

Diana McCollum said...

Keir and Quinn's new story sounds really good! Thanks for the blurb!

Sarah Raplee said...

Pippa, your blurb and cover for Lost Serenity have me hooked! And your Winter Solstice mystery sounds enticing. I'm glad you are back to writing despite the state of the world. Writing gives us hope.

Maggie Lynch said...

I agree with the others that your blurb for Lost Serenity draws me in. It has been a trying time for many writers. Many were working another job and are now working from home or lost it waiting for it to come back.

Like you, I've had a hard time concentrating with all that is going on with family members health situations, politics in the run up to a major election, and the virus and economy. But there does come a time when I can't keep in stasis--either in fear or in loss of hope.

Go forward and continue to make your mark. Whether you release in Fall or after the first of the year, it will be good.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting yourself back in harness, Pippa! I've found that writing is a great distraction from quarantine/social distancing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Judith. No, the winter solstice story is a different one - I'm not revealing the title for that just yet. :)
Thanks Diana!
Thanks Maggie. Honestly, the last thing I thought I would even want to do is write, but you never know when the muse will strike. I guess I felt in need of a different escape. And I've been so lucky. I didn't lose my job and I still got paid, both a security that many others haven't had and I am so grateful to have not had those as additional stresses. But we all have to find some way to move forward, even if it's just surviving. Best wishes to you and yours.
Hi Ed, and thanks! I think I'm quite fortunate in being a bit of a hermit by nature, but even I've needed something more to keep me busy, and I'm glad I've had writing as an escape. Back to work at the end of this week so that's going to be a big distraction from the writing now, lol.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sarah. Yes, we need to find our hope somewhere.