Thursday, September 10, 2020

Finding Hope in 2020 by Lynn Lovegreen

 It’s been a tough year for most of us. I probably don’t have to tell you why if you’re living through it, so 

let’s just say there’s a long list why many of us are discouraged. But I still find hope.


I find hope when I see all the great people who are helping others. Essential workers, including health workers, first responders, teachers, post office workers, grocery store staff, librarians, and more are working hard to keep things going. It fills my heart to see how much they care for others. There are volunteers and people in public service working to make life better for others in the future. It encourages me to see “love your neighbor” in action.  


I find hope when I see all the artists who are sharing their art and stories. Whether they are visual artists, dancers, actors, storytellers, singers, novelists, or other writers, I feel solace and joy from their work. And of course, romance writers are great at providing hope with their happy endings. They remind me that better days will come.


I find hope when I see songwriters and musicians giving us comfort and encouragement. They help us to dream big and see the humanity in each other. I’ve been thinking about a song Bruce Springsteen recorded with the E Street Band, “Dream Baby Dream” by Marvin Rev and Alan Vega. Here’s part of the lyrics: 

Come on open up your heart

Come on and open up your heart

Come on and dream on, dream baby dream

In case you’d like more, here’s a video from Bruce’s website:


Hang in there. Keep on dreaming. We’ll get through this, together.

Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for over fifty years. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering at her local library. Her young adult historical fiction is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


Deb N said...

Thanks, Lynn - for reminding us of all we can be hopeful about and grateful for. There are so many people doing great things. And with a virtual world these days, so many sharing their work and passion. That IS uplifting, and a much better way to get through this craziness, then being glued to the news.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks, Deb. May you find some of those great things around you.

Judith Ashley said...

Lynn, we will get through this especially if we work together and look for the kindness and compassion that still surrounds us as well as adding our own kindness and compassion to the world.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Yes! Thanks, Judith.