Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Gift of Hope by Dora Bramden

Years ago, at my romance writers group, I was given a set of blocks that spell out the word HOPE for a Kris Kringle present.  I felt the relevance of this present finding its way into my hands. I needed reminding that there is power in hope.  The other lovely thing about these blocks is that the letters are made from a mirror-like material, so looking at them I see myself reflecting back from the word hope. To whoever it was at the Melbourne Romance Writers Guild that gave me these blocks I want to say a huge thank you. 

The pretty pastel blocks found a home just below my television screen. I put them there so that I would see the reminder often. Every time I watch a show, HOPE is there as well. My romantic heart likes to watch movies with happy endings because that leaves me with a hopeful feeling. But a lot of what is on the TV isn’t hopeful, I find those blocks spelling out HOPE act as a balance. 

When the news is dire and there are stories that make me feel the world has gone crazy, HOPE is there as well. Today is one of those days when I really have to reach for hope. The pandemic is dragging on and I’m over it but it isn’t over.  However, my HOPE blocks are there and I remember that good people are working hard to find solutions, others are working to keep up our spirits producing YouTube crafting and homemaking videos, blogs, and books with happy endings.

I’m aware that at times our world can feel just a bit too much, but HOPE for a brighter future will keep us working toward it and doing what we can when we can. For me, I mostly have to stay home and follow the health officer's advice but I can also write my books with hopeful endings. As I said last month, I'm working on a Christmas novel, which is helping me to feel hopeful too. 

So when the daily tally of new infections scrolls across the bottom of my television screen, the word HOPE is sitting directly beneath it. 

Dora Bramden writes heart-melting, passionate, romance.

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Judith Ashley said...

Dora, I think we could use a set of "HOPE" blocks! My prayers are that Melbourne is getting a handle on C-19 cases and that you will soon safely be out of Stage 4 Lockdown. I think the BQ's were psychic when a year ago they chose "Hope" as the topic for Genre-istas this month!

Lynn Lovegreen said...

What a lovely thought! Thanks for the post, and keep holding that hope. I'll try to do the same.

Diana McCollum said...


Your hope blocks sound inspiring and beautiful!. Especially in this time of the pandemic .

When I was complaining about it taking forever to be over, my husband
s cancer doctor Said that this will pass, there will be a vaccine in the near future. So I hope he is right.

I now hope for a future where we can all go about our business with out masks, hope for a vaccine that will enable us to travel to see our grandkids and family again. Hope is a gentle word and a very strong word.

But that's what I have right now, HOPE.
Take care and be safe.

Maggie Lynch said...

HOPE is key to being able to get up every day and make progress on anything. What a nice reminder you have below your TV.

To some, hope is a passive verb--a form of yearning or wishing for something better. But for me, hope is an active verb and requires action on my part. It begins with the believe and confidence that things can get better. Then the action part involves planning, motivation, and determination to work toward making that happen.

For example, I hope the U.S. will recover from the pandemic, restore the economy, and take lessons learned from this time to make sure it doesn't devastate us again. Those seems like really big ideas that I don't have any control over. But I do. I can vote for the leadership I believe can make this happen. I can make my voice heard by talking to friends and family. I can write stories that reflect my values of love and listening and active hope.

Hang in there.

Dora Bramden said...

Hi Judith,

Thanks for your prayers. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel in Melbourne. Hope now is for a near normal Christmas.

Dora Bramden said...


Thanks for your sweet comment.

Dora Bramden said...


Thanks for stopping by and posting your thoughts. Your husband sounds like a wise man. It will be lovely to see our family again and I do believe it will come to pass.

Dora Bramden said...


You're so right about HOPE inspiring action. It really does keep us moving forward toward the goal.