Friday, January 15, 2021

Welcome to 2021


Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of scifi and supernatural stories with a romantic soul. And welcome to 2021. I can't say I've seen much improvement so far...

But 2020 wasn't all bad. Despite everything, I did put three pieces into edits, finished two of them, and published one just before the end of the year. The second will be releasing on the spring equinox. And I finally committed to edits on book three of my mine series in June. So I guess I'd better get tapping away at those keys.

So what else does 2021 hold? Well, right now I'm working from home as best I can - my job is not really a do from home. We can't deliver science practicals to students, and wouldn't be able to even if we were in school as the decision was taken to stop doing them during the continuing COVID crisis. So far I have fixed and sorted plugs and electrical leads,  reassembled and got working a couple of lasers, and studied a few physics practicals (my weakest science!). Our internet is struggling with three students home, including my uni kid who we fortunately had persuaded to delay her return, just before they banned them going back!

This year also marks a special date for me as I will be turning 50. Half a century! Hubs and I had planned a special holiday before Christmas as my present, but obviously that didn't happen. Maybe at the end of this year...
In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy the extra time home by helping my two boys with their studies, the extra time with my eldest not being at uni, and being home before hubs! Let's hope things will get better.
A winter sunset.


Judith Ashley said...

Pippa, is that A Winter Sunset picture something you actually saw? Brightens my day as where I live it is grey, grey, grey and raining - oh and in the mid-40's.

Anonymous said...

That was my own back garden a few days ago (in between several days of rain!).

Maggie Lynch said...

Pippa, Sounds like you were quite productive despite the challenges of 2020 and still facing us this year.

Are the science practicals you are putting together for teaching your own children? Or are a teacher of other children as well? Physics is a passion of mine--theoretical rather than practical. In so many ways it is where science meets mysticism because we use mathematical models based on known science to predict what we believe is there even though we can't see it.

Love your sunset picture. We have family in New Zealand and they keep sending all these pictures with them in shorts and swimming suits. I suspect your winter is as beautiful with the warm weather. Take care..

Pippa Jay said...

I was stuck at home for six months not working, so in some respects I'm surprised I didn't get much done. On the other hand,I was working from home as far as was possible (it's not really that kind of job), did loads in my garden, and some DIY. I and my fellow tech put all the science practicals together for 1500 students - not all at once! - in a secondary school (age 11-18), and demonstrations for the teachers, plus displays for open evenings. I envy you - I think part of the reason I struggled with physics is maths wasn't my strong suit either. Biology was my favourite but I've mostly worked in industrial and environmental chemistry so that's my specialism.

Anonymous said...

During my enforced home time, I managed to write 2.75 books of a trilogy . . . but now the third book is stuck, stuck. stuck. Sigh.

All four of my children are lucky enough to be able to work from home. One of them even managed to change jobs and relocate from Amsterdam, where he spent a year, back to Canada. Exactly one day later, the travel would not have been an option -- so as I say, lucky.