I’ve enjoyed many of the reflections on laughter as meditation, medication, and manducation that have appeared on the blog this month.
Laughter and endorphins do indeed make us feel better, lightness in the dark, babies giggling, pets being adorable, jokes and puns.
Like this gem:
Doctor: Sir, I’m afraid your DNA is backwards.
Patient: AND?
But do you know what else makes us feel better?
In writing this blog post, I composed my first line, realized I might like to add more M words to make it funnier, and went searching on the Google for “long words that start with m.” So today we are going to get our brain endorphins churning by playing a fun game. We are all readers and writers on this blog, visitors and bloggers alike. Words are awesome. So here’s what I want you to do.
- Go to this page: http://phrontistery.info/m.html (but not yet, keep reading first.)
- Skim that etymological deliciousness.
- Pick your favorite.
- Come back here and tell us about it, and why it’s your favorite.
- Congratulations, we made endorphins together! Here’s the link again - http://phrontistery.info/m.html
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Photo by Josefin on Unsplash |
It was very very hard to pick a favorite. Obviously meerkats are a favorite of the whole world, and I don’t know what that word was doing on the list.
Morology was a really big contender, because it means nonsense, and nonsense has been one of my most-used words since, oh, very early 2020 for some reason. Then again, what about morassic? It means having all the qualities of a morass, and that could have been a popular word with any of us since, oh, very early 2020 for some reason along with nonsense.
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Photo by James Lee on Unsplash |
Please join in in the comments with some more appreciation of “long words that start with m” and tell us why you love them!
Jody W.
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Outside of her fiction career, Jody has employed her Master’s Degree in Creative Writing to work as a college English instructor, technical documents editor, market analyst, web designer, and all around pain in the butt. The photo was taken at one of her first book signings, so years and years ago before she realized that myriacanthous was her favorite M word. You can learn more about her at https://jodywallace.com
millionocracy government by millionaires
millocracy government by mill owners
I'm bewildered by the fact that millocracy exists. Where exists such a place?
Here's what I picked although not necessarily long words nor ones I'd ever use but they intrigued me.
machicolation space between corbels in a parapet - why I never thought there needed to be a name for that space is on me.
maffick to celebrate exuberantly and boisterously - now next month Romancing The Genres will "maffick" as we will be celebrating our 10th Blog-O-Versary!
Fun exercise, Jody. And I totally agree that learning is fun.
moschiferous - producing musk
motrix - female motor
I like moschiferous just for the sound and look of it. It’s just pleasing!
Motrix - who knew that motors had genders? I looked this up and found an alternate definition which is “ A female instigator or cause of something.” This is more satisfying to me. But apparently the etymology is Latin so - back to the conundrum of having a female motor, i get it now. So...yeah... I learned something AND it was fun!
Such good words! A motrix makes us all maffick.
Metanoia-repentance; fundamental change in character
I could see where this could be used in a novel. Especially with the character arch.
This was a fun exercise, Jody! Thanks for an interesting blog post.
Diana Mccollum
Mirabilia: wonders
Because they are wonderful...
Muntjac: small, tusked East Asian deer
Because they're so CUUUUTE!.
Maculomancy: divination using spots.
Because, who knew???
Very fun!
Manustupration wins hands down. The romance writer in me would have to find the word for masturbation. Fun post.
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