Hi everyone :-)
This month, I'm going to talk about something I love - food! We are foodie family...

We make all the things - even Milo's treats
And as such food always finds it way into my books (sort of like murder - people are going to die, eat, and have steamy sex in my books). I often use food as a way to reveal character traits.
Leigh in Taking a Risk loves peanut M&M's. S he's slightly OCD... and a health nut so she buys a share size bag of M&M's every week and divides them out by color. Monday she eats all the red. Tuesday is blue and so one. When she's in really stressful situation she buys another package east extra of that day's color - just that day's color because that's part of her character.
Kelsey in my upcoming release Bayou Viper (Book 1 - Follow the Numbers series) eats BBQ chips dipped into jalapeno flavored cream cheese when she's thinking about a case. And will not eat food with the letter 'k' in it (a character reveal you need to read the book to find out).
Not only do I enjoy using food as way to add deepth to my characters but I use it add to the story overall.
Cajun Stuff Shells is a meal Nic makes for her but before she'll eat it she needs to know all the ingredients (can't have things with the letter 'k'). The scene adds to Nic and Kelsey's relationship. A reminder they are in the south.
Bayou Viper will be up for pre-order April 20th and released June 1st. BUT the cooking book - that includes Cajun Stuffed Shells will be a free download :-)
Interesting fact - while my love for doughnuts is well known, none of my characters share this love :-)
I guess I don't like to share ... even with fictional characters.
Thanks for stopping by and see you next month.
Lyncee, Your new series looks amazing. Thank you for the great recipe! Can't wait for the whole cookbook!
I can't believe how big Milo has grown! Have his home made biscuits gotten bigger too?
Tell us more about your new book and series. I'm intrigued. Luckily I'm not afraid of snakes:-)
Lyncee, had to smile at Leigh's M&M practice. I used to eat them and I'd sort them by color eating the colors I didn't like first and leaving the colors I did like last...no matter the size of the bag. Would do the same with mixed nuts.
Love the way you use food to enhance your characters and story! Got me thinking as in my books, my characters seldom eat unless they are gathering for Circle. Well, obviously they do eat...just not on the page and that's because I do not like to cook, etc. So pot luck is easier than making a meal - at least for me.
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