Saturday, May 1, 2021

Ten Growing Years by Paty Jager


I want to thank the blog queens, Sarah Raplee and Judith Ashley, for asking if I would like to do a guest post this month. It seemed fitting that I did, because 10 years ago, not only did I join this blog but I took a huge leap into self-publishing. So not only is this a 10th anniversary for this blog, it is my 10th anniversary of being a self-published or Independent author.

It took several other authors I admire to talk me into going Indie. I wasn’t sure I wanted to deal with all the details the small press I was published with took care of for each book. But on the other hand, I hadn’t been happy with the covers and when you work with a small press, you learn a lot about the whole publishing process. It also helped I had been an editor for the press for five years and had learned how to format both print and ebooks. All of that and my friends saying you can do more promoting and make more money by going Indie.

Because at that point- 5 years of being published with 10 books, what I made still wasn’t covering my writing expenses. I was glad I not only was editing but had a job with the 4-H Extension Program. One year after going Indie, I was paying my writing expenses and tucking some money away.

Being my own boss wasn’t a problem for me. I’ve always been driven to get things done. However, I had to learn to give myself time for more than writing and researching a book. I needed time to write the back cover blurb, work on metadata, purchase ISBNs, run the books through my critique partners, then a beta reader, and then a line editor, and finally a proof reader. Then I had to format and give the number of pages to my cover designer. But, of course, that is after we had settled on the cover design which can take a bit of back and forth between myself and the designer until we are both happy with the outcome. 

Once the cover and book have been formatted and are ready to publish, I have to upload them to the ebook and print vendors. Another thing I had to learn. I was thankful for author friends who were willing to help. I started back when it was mostly me reaching out to another self-published author and asking questions.

My goodness, in the last ten years there are now companies who will do all the work for you or you do the work and they will upload the book to the various vendors. There are books, workshops, webinars, Facebook groups, and authors all over the internet who will help you with learning how to self-publish.

When I started, I’d write the back cover blurb, send it to my CPs, then to another person and that was it and is pretty much how I work now. But these days there are people who will write your blurbs, or help you write your blurbs and there are always workshops on how to do it.

The best organizations I’ve found for Indie authors are:

Alliance of Independent Authors- ALLi -

Northwest Independent Writers Association – NIWA -

Maggie Lynch has a box set of books to help someone who wants to self-publish. The Secrets to Becoming a Successful Author  She also has a POV Author Services

I’m also thankful I was asked to become a member of an author co-op. We are independent authors who have a website where readers can purchase our books and learn more about us all in one place. Windtree Press -  This co-op purchases ISBNs that are used under the Windtree Press name and logo. So while I am an Independent author – which means I do all the work and spend all the money to make my book published, I have the Windtree Press as my publisher and use the logo on my books.  Because I purchase the ISBN from the co-op and it (the co-op) is down in the International Standard Book Number identifier as the company that recorded the number.

Again, this is all information I had to learn as I became a self-published author. I encourage you to do the same, if you have been writing and find you tend to write outside the box.

The journey has been challenging and rewarding, and I wouldn’t change a minute of it.

This month, I’m not only celebrating my 15th year as a published author, my 10th year as a self-published author, but also my 50th published book!  And to celebrate this ?? in my career, I’m hosting a month-long Facebook 50 Book Bash party where I’ll be talking about the 50 books I’ve published and giving away prizes every day to people who stop by and visit with me. Here is the link to the Facebook page. I suggest you click on plan to attend so you get notices when the party starts which is today!

Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 50 novels, 8 novellas, and numerous anthologies of murder mystery and western romance. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. Paty and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. Riding horses and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it.

blog / websiteFacebook / Paty's Posse / Goodreads / Twitter / Pinterest   / Bookbub






Judith Ashley said...

The generosity of independent authors sharing information, ideas, technical tips, etc. has always been something I value. I remember March 2014 when I was using Jutoh to publish the first three books in my Sacred Women's Circle series and I was stumped and frustrated. Being another Windtree Press author gave me a resource, a place to get assistance.
You were the author that responded, answered my question so I was back on track. That was a significant event for me. The term author cooperative took on a whole new meaning. We all benefit from everyone's success because there is enough.
We BQ's are grateful you've stayed with us even as you got busier. Thank You for sharing the last 10 years with us.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Congrats on all your anniversaries, Paty. I admire your gumption and willingness to try new things. Have fun with the Facebook party!

Paty Jager said...

Judith, Three have been many wonderful writers along the way who have helped me and I only feel I am doing my part when I help those I can. I don't always know the answers but I can usually find someone who does. Having been a part of many different author groups, the co-op, National, and International author groups, I've found there is always someone willing to help when I have questions. I'm glad my knowledge helped you. I've been on several group blogs over the years and this would be the last one I ever drop. I feel it has more influence over readers and writers than any of the others I've been a part of. So kudos to you and Sarah!

Paty Jager said...

Thanks, Lynn! I have never backed down from a challenge and if nothing else, I've learned that writing AND publishing are challenges. ;)

Maggie Lynch said...

Paty, I really enjoyed reading this journey of yours. You have been one of the indie authors I really admire. You set goals, meet your goals, and then move onto the next goal. Your consistency in doing this over those 10-15 years is why you are celebrating your 50th book. It is remarkable and something very few authors ever accomplish.

Thank you for the shout out on my books and Windtree Press. Windtree was founded primarily so I wouldn't be publishing alone. I do believe that "A rising tide lifts all boats." By joining together authors of Windtree Press have lifted each other. That is really because of people like you and Judith and Sarah and many more who believe that helping each other also helps our own careers.

Huge congrats on all your accomplishments!

Paty Jager said...

Thanks, Maggie! I am consistent in making sure I get books written and published. I enjoy writing them and hope other enjoy reading the books. Windtree is the best part of being an indie author because we do work as a group to help one another. Thank you for not wanting to publish alone!