Thursday, October 14, 2021

Freedom to Read by Lynn Lovegreen


This month’s theme is freedom. We have many valuable freedoms in our lives. One of the most important is our freedom to choose what we read. What speaks to you may not be my cup of tea. That’s okay.


This year’s Banned Books Week was September 24 to October 2. Intellectual freedom gives us valuable opportunities to use critical thinking and have important conversations about what we read and view. (To learn more, check out But it also allows us to read whatever we like, whether it’s a serious treatise or a fun novel—


Which is where Romancing the Genres comes in! One thing I love about this blog is the variety of authors and books we see here. I often discover new subgenres of romance, new writers, and new characters I want to fall in love with. What a great thing to have in our lives, especially when we’re tired or bored or having a bad day. Books can entertain and inspire us. Romance novels always have a happy ending, which is just what I’m looking for when I need a lift. 


Our Genre-istas can provide that for you. Look through the posts when you’re looking for a new story to read. Isn’t it great that you can choose something perfect for you? I think so. Let’s celebrate our freedom to read!

Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for over fifty years. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering at her local library. Her young adult historical romance is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


Judith Ashley said...

Thanks for the Shout Out, Lynn. I hadn't quite thought of Romancing The Genres in that way are right. Not only do the Genre-istas write in a variety of genres/sub-genres but they live in a variety of places: Australia, Canada, England and across the United States. Although to include Alaska and Hawaii should it be "around the United States"?

Maggie Lynch said...

You are so right, Lynn, that freedom to read is so very important. And that is coupled with freedom to write. Without a diversity of writers and topics, we wouldn't have a lot of choice on what to read. There are other countries in the world that try to limit reading to specific types of stories and texts that match their idea of what is "good" for the public.

For me the diversity of reading options in the U.S. is amazing. I learn so much from reading something I would not normally choose (thank you book clubs). It makes me a better writer, a better reader, and in the end a better person for having taken a journey into places, cultures, and people that I would never have an opportunity to experience in person.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks, Judith and Maggie. You are two of the reasons why Romancing the Genres is such a great resource for readers and writers.

Diana McCollum said...

Enjoyed your blog post, Lynn. And totally agree on having the RTG authors as diverse reading material.