Monday, December 6, 2021

Chatting about the writing life by Paty Jager

Well now, I had planned on speaking on the new direction of audiobooks, but you'll learn much more from M.L. Buchman's post on Saturday than I had planned to write. So I'll go with the potpourri topic. ;) 

I'm excited about Findaway Voices being purchased by Spotify. I'm hoping it will help to sell more of my audiobooks. But I also finally dug in to learn more about Authors Direct which is part of Findaway Voices and a part that I hope doesn't change. At Author's Direct, I can have my audiobooks on their site for a price lower than at other audiobook vendors and get more royalty, which means more money from each sale. And I can do sales, direct from this vendor that won't be found anywhere else. 

Right now you can purchase Yuletide Slaying, the 7th book in my Shandra Higheagle Mystery series, for half price. That's $5.00! There are other Holiday audiobooks on sale at this link: 

It's easy to download the app on your phone or computer to listen to the books. I downloaded it and several books to my phone to listen to while I walk or sew.

I purchased a larger, with more to-do lists on the sides, planner to hopefully keep me on top of things this year. I planned all year to get an ebook box set out and didn't make it until this month because I kept forgetting... Seems to be the norm lately. That's why I decided to get a planner where I could write everything down and see it every time I look at the planner, which is probably ten times a day! 

Book #52 published the end of November. I'm having a good time writing mystery books. I have two exciting plots coming up in the Gabriel Hawke books. They are going to be fun because he will be back to doing lots of tracking and outdoor survival stuff. That means I'll be doing a lot of research. Which is one of my favorite things about writing. Learning new stuff. I'm not sure how well my brain holds it anymore but it is fun learning. 

Churlish Badger
was fun to write because I used a family joke as the premise of the story. I won't give it away here. But you can read about it at my blog-

I'm currently working on the second book in the Spotted Pony Casino Mystery series. House Edge became much more fun to write when I added a scene that will be the premise of the next book, Double Down, in the series. While I enjoy writing each book, it's when I come up with ideas ahead that I want to write that motivates me to get the current project finished. I love each book idea before I start writing. During the research, coming up with characters, and scenes. It's after I start writing, like most writers, I get so far into the book and feel like it is going nowhere. That it isn't as good a story as I'd thought it would be. That's when I start throwing in twists and turns that keep me on my toes. And from reviews, it keeps the reader on the edge of their seats. That's what I strive for! 

I'm looking forward to 2022 with the hope of selling more audiobooks, getting more mysteries written, and spending more time with my family.  I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a healthy happy new year. 

Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 52 novels, 8 novellas, and numerous anthologies of murder mystery and western romance. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. Paty and her husband raise alfalfa hay in rural eastern Oregon. Riding horses and battling rattlesnakes, she not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it. This is what Books a Plenty Book Reviews has to say about the Gabriel Hawke series: "The blend of nature tracking, clues, and the animals makes for a fascinating mystery that is hard to put down." 

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Judith Ashley said...

Paty, love your last paragraph's goals...yes to selling more audiobooks, writing more mysteries and spending time with your family. All wonder-filled experiences for you in 2022.

Maggie Lynch said...

Congrats on Book #52, Paty! You've worked hard and remained consistent for a long time. I also love your new Spotted Pony Casino book covers--very graphic and color saturated. Really nice.

In terms of Findaway, I'm so happy I'm with them. I was part of the Authors-Direct beta when they first started making it available for people to sell direct. I've always appreciated the ability to offer discounts to my fans through that store. It really makes a difference when there is a new release. The only place it doesn't make a difference is for those few fans who are really stuck on a particular App and only get their audio through that.

Among my listeners, two apps seem to fall into that category, Audible for people who are subscription members and Apple for people who are Apple iPhone. iPod, and iPad aficionados. Both of them simply like the convenience and don't want to add another app. However, since Author-Direct became more popular about three years ago, I've seen a lot more listeners more than happy to use that App.

Diana McCollum said...

Loved your blog post, Paty! Miss you! Let me know if you get down to visit family in CA. I'll come see you.

Yay, on your goals for 2022!!!

Paty Jager said...

Judith, Thank you!
Thank you on book #52. I'm hoping this new venture with Authors Direct and how I plan to use it will help with audio sales.
Diana, Thank you. Miss you too! If we come your direction I will let you know.