Hard to believe we are finally going to put a pin in 2021 in a few days. I mean...come on - this hasn't been the best year for the world, has it?
To put things in perspective, though, my little world did okay in 2021. No one in my immediate family got Covid or any of its variants because we were all hyper-vigilant: got vaccinated, got boostered, never stopped wearing masks in public, vigorous handwashing, and avoided crowds.
It can be done, kids. If more people would get with the program we'd be through this by now.
Enough soapbox.
2021 saw a surge in my writing and publication. 7 books done and out in the reading world; one new publisher; a couple contest wins and many new writing avenues opened for me.
Not too bad.
On a personal note ( well, a few of them!) my first grandchild was born. I've always heard that your first grandchild changes you. It did. It made me more concerned about the future of our planet, our democracy, my own health -because I want to be around to see him grow to adulthood and beyond - and my legacy for when I am gone.
To that end I've embarked on a road I should never have been out on: extreme weight loss. So far I've lost 20 pounds, which if you know anything about weight loss after 60, is amazing. I have another 30 to go and that's one of my looking forward goals. I want to maintain my health and physical mobility until I die and doing this is the best way to ensure that. Wish me luck.
As far as 2022 goes, I've got many things on the docket that look promising.
I've got a new publisher I'm thrilled to be working with.
I've got 8 books planned for release this year, two of them in multiple author packs.
We've got a family trip planned for July - our first in 3 years.
We've got one big family wedding planned for May.
I turn 62 in May, as well. That's a significant number because if I wanted to I could get social security now. Not going to, but just knowing I can is something.
I've got three major book signing events I'm traveling to in 2022. I haven't been to a major signing since 2019 and the last RWA I attended.
I hope, looking forward as well, we can get out of the grips of this virus. I don't want to see one more child have to wear a mask to school or one more person be unable to hug and visit with friends.
I hope serious change will be made in how we take care of the poor, the mentally ill, our children, our environment, our planet.
I hope we can finally - FINALLY - recognize that we are more alike than different and understand the differences don't make us bad people.
And I hope health, happiness, success, and a sense of peace is prevalent in my life, everyone I know, and the world as well.
Happy Holidays, everyone.
May joy, love, peace and happiness fill your days and warm your hearts
~ Peg
Yeah you!!! So glad you had such a productive year. I'm a grandmama (and added "ma" for the great grands and it does make a difference having 3 generations following me. And I'm standing right there with you on your 4 I hopes at the end.
A lovely post, Peggy. I hope that all your wishes come true in 2022. Enjoy your family, too!
Great post, Peggy. Hurrah on wishes for a normal, peaceful loving future. And hurrah on all your accomplishments, too. Can't wait to hear about your future publishing plans - huge congrats. Have a great holiday season.
Peggy, I agree with you on everything you hope for. Congrats on getting your weight loss and exercise program going. It is so true that it's harder after 60. I put mine off for ten years with lots of well-thought out (to myself) reasons I didn't have time to focus on it--or I was just too old to start. As I'm six years older than you, starting was even harder.
I've been decent on the foo intake as my DH is diabetic, so we watch what we eat--and he does90% of the cooking. However, the exercise program needed to come too, more than my occasional walks around the neighborhood. I did start 6 months ago in a class that mixes dance steps, martial arts, and yoga. For the first three months I was building up my stamina more than anything, trying to get through the hour class. By the fourth month I could get through the entire hour.
Now I relish the time in every class--we've moved from Zoom only to time in-person with masks and 6 feet apart and the doors open. In just six months I've lost 25 pounds and more than that I feel alive again, my balance has returned, and my memory and brain function has gotten butter (I didn't know I was losing it but the difference is remarkable.
So, stick with it. You are so right that diet and exercise can make a difference on how you feel, how you move, and how you think. I'm never giving it up again.
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