Sunday, December 12, 2021

What I Hold Most Sacred


By: Marcia King-Gamble 

December rolled around faster than I expected it to. I've always viewed it as the perfect time of year to reflect on life in general. While I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, I create vision boards. Those vision boards help to keep me on track. I can't think of a  better time of year to reflect on the things you consider sacred, and resolve to make changes a part of 2022's game plan.

That said, here are the things I hold most sacred. You betcha I’ll be working on making a commitment to them next year.  They’re listed in no particular order:

Alone time

Reading time

Travel Time

                                                                Friendship Time

                                                                Declutter Time

                                                                Writing Time

 Alone Time

Ever since nursery school, I’ve been labeled an extrovert, but the truth of the matter is, I can only take large groups of people in small doses.  Introverts aren’t what you think them to be. They can be extroverts in sheep's clothing. What makes for a true introvert is the downtime needed to replenish their energy. Now that would be me. I need downtime with no interaction from the outside world. “Me” time is needed for me.

 Reading Time

I love to read. It’s something I ’ve been doing since I was three. Like Calgon, it takes me away from the real world. Sadly, I have been neglecting that favorite pastime, and all because I‘ve been so busy. There are three or more books on my nightstand at any time. A page here and a page there, means eventually I’ll finish the books.  It's definitely time to come up with a better plan.  

Travel Time

Travel is the best finishing school ever. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You get to experience other cultures, try different foods, and even change your scenery.  Regrettably, I cut back on travel during the Pandemic. International travel was virtually impossible and strange hotel rooms were breeding grounds for infection.  

 Friendship Time

 True friends are hard to find. Cherish the ones in your inner circle. Now more than ever we need each other. Lunch, breakfast, make that phone call. There may never be a tomorrow. Show appreciation whenever you can. It's the little things that matter. 

 Declutter Time

That junk mail can build up quickly. My plan is not to even let it in the house. And as for the dust collectors, accumulated over the years, maybe it’s time to donate to charity or have a yard sale.

Writing Time   

Priority number one next year. Writing is something I seem to be doing way too little of these days.  I need to be on my A game and just sit down and do it!   

Speaking of writing, this holiday season, my new novella Kwanzaa ‘Pon A Time was just released, and my backlist By Design has a pretty new cover. You can find them here:

What’s scared to you this holiday season? What are your plans for making yours a better tomorrow? 

The first three respondents will receive Holiday Ornaments to thank them for sharing.

About Marcia King-Gamble

USA bestselling romance writer, Marcia King-Gamble originally hails from a sunny Caribbean Island where the sky and ocean are the same mesmerizing shade of blue. This former travel industry executive has spent most of life in the United States. A National Bestselling author, Marcia has penned over 34 books and 8 novellas. She has contributed to Michael Fiore’s DigitalRomanceInc and served as a moderator on the now defunct eHarmony advice boards.  Having witnessed the bad, the ugly, and the not so good in relationships, she still prefers to write about happily ever after. Caring for her animal family keeps her grounded and sane.

Visit Marcia at or “friend” her on Facebook:

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Maggie Lynch said...

I love your list of sacred things and I love your new cover. The two that really struck me was Reading Time and Writing Time. The should go hand-in-hand because when I stop reading, I am no longer in tune with the genres I write. Yet, what little writing time I put in this year was done at the expense of reading.

So, I am prioritizing both of those for 2022. And I designated December to begin so I have a running start and a habit as the calendar turns in January.

I always love your thoughtful posts, Marcia. Please do not include me in the ornament gift. We haven't done a Christmas tree in more than five years and I would have nowhere to hang it. So do save it for others posting later.

Deb N said...

I love your "sacred" list, Marcia - so important to take care of oneself. I look forward to reading your Kwanzaa book as we are in the midst of the holiday season.

Judith Ashley said...

Marcia, I am also one of those "fake" extroverts. I've made it through the pandemic with fewer challenges than many people I know who live with family and still felt challenged that they weren't around people.

I've did massive downsizing and decluttering several years ago but feel the need to do it again in my main living areas. The basement? It needs a major decluttering. I've never going to make another drum nor paint the house trim or fix broken tile so why do I have hides, paint, tile cutter, etc. Not quite ready to give up the 20 lbs. of wax as I'd love to make candles with the great grands.

I also do not have a tree so an ornament would have no place to go. I do have 4 - 5 large bins of Christmas decorations that haven't seen the light of day for at least five years.