Thursday, December 9, 2021

What's Sacred to Me by Lynn Lovegreen

This month’s theme is “sacred.” I am using this definition: “entitled to reverence and respect, highly valued and important.” Here are ten things that are sacred to me.




Music (especially The Beatles)

Books and other stories








When I say love, I think of romantic love, family love, and love between friends. But in my mind, love of our fellow human beings is just as important. If we treat all people as if they are valuable, the world will be a wonderful place. As Lennon-McCartney put it, “Love is all you need.”

What are your thoughts on this? What is sacred to you?


Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for over fifty years. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering at her local library. Her young adult historical romance is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


Judith Ashley said...

Lynn, love your list! And thank you for including an inspiring image of mountains. I'm torn between mountains and ocean and thus am grateful I live within view of Mt. Hood and less than two hours (depending on traffic) from the Pacific albeit my favorite Oregon beach is more like 3 hours away.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

You're welcome, Judith. Sounds like you live in a perfect location!

Maggie Lynch said...

Lynn, I agree that we are surrounded by the sacred in every thing we see if we only take the time to look. As for Love, I believe that is the most sacred. Every religion talks about love and its importance to the sacred--whether it is in relationship to God or to spouses or children or others. Even the Atheist recognizes love as something that is real (though they would not label it sacred). The most staunch Atheist leaders put Love in that category of things we need to survive as a species, and that is important to defining morality.

I don't know that I believe "Love is all you need." But it is close. We know that bodies need food and water. There are so many great songs about love of all kinds. One of my favorites is from the musical RENT. It is called SEASONS OF LOVE, and the central piece asks:

In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in a life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love...
Seasons of love...

As always, Lynn, thanks for posting something that makes me reflect.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks, Maggie. I appreciate your thoughtful reply.