Monday, January 10, 2022

Everything Old is New Again!

By: Marcia King-Gamble

Happy 2022! I can’t help but wonder where the years went to? Just 24 years ago, I signed my first book contract with Kensington Publishing. Memory fades as to whether it was a two- or three-year contract, but I do know it was for multiple books and that trend continued for many years. Even today, I still remember that feeling of elation when I got that very first call from an editor. Months of visualization had actually paid off.

My very first published book. The cover has since changed and so has the title.  You can find the updated version here:

Back then I used to go to stores like Walden’s (now out of business), Barnes and Noble, and Borders (also out of business,) and imagine my books being on that prime shelf space. I could see, smell, and feel that print book. I also didn’t realize that shelf space is paid for by the publishing house and positioning is everything. That eye-opening information came later.

Although Indie books were around for ages, the authors were seldom respected. However, with the advent of the Kindle, the Indie Market took off and traditionally published authors slowly migrated over.

This was for many reasons. Some wanted complete control of their business, others were dropped by their publishers, and others came out of pure curiosity. Mid-listers were more willing to take a chance on this market, and after witnessing the success of some established authors, the New York Times and USA Bestsellers made their way over.

Of course, there were always naysayers. It wouldn’t last, some said, no one reads substandard books. It’s a market for those who can’t write. The list went on. Change can be hard for both the reader and author. Change is hard for most people, anyway. But regardless, it looks like the Indie Market is here to stay, and many talented authors have released some very fine work.

For me, after careful reflection, I’ve decided to return to world of traditional publishing, although this is not necessarily an exclusive move. While there are certainly pluses to the Indie World, there are negatives to. There’s something about the freedom to write what you want, when you want, but I need the structure and discipline of a defined delivery time.

As an Indie it’s easy to procrastinate. We have no pressure to deliver on any date, regardless of whether said date was published on social media. A handful of fans might reach out inquiring as to where your book is, but you don’t have a cover artist or editor breathing down your neck because you’re holding up someone elses's release. If you don’t deliver, there is no fear of losing your slot and having your release delayed another year.

Being Traditionally published means putting your butt in a chair and getting the writing done. It means delivering on time and working with an editor that requires you to get edits back to her and at a specified time.

I'm not saying being an Indie writer  hasn’t been a nice run, and I wouldn’t continue to write for the market, but I miss the worldwide distribution possibilities, and I miss working with editors who have my back.  So, my plan is to come back as a hybrid. This way I get the best of both worlds.

More from my backlist. 

About Marcia King-Gamble

USA bestselling romance writer, Marcia King-Gamble originally hails from a sunny Caribbean Island where the sky and ocean are the same mesmerizing shade of blue. This former travel industry executive has spent most of life in the United States. A National Bestselling author, Marcia has penned over thirty-four books and eight novellas. She has contributed to Michael Fiore’s DigitalRomanceInc and served as a moderator on the now defunct eHarmony advice boards. Having witnessed the bad, the ugly, and the not so good in relationships, she still prefers to write about happily ever after. Caring for her animal family keeps her grounded and sane.

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Judith Ashley said...

May 2022 bring you the contract of your dreams!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Thank you Jufith. Much appreciated.

Diana McCollum said...

It sounds like you have a great plan for 2022! Best of luck in securing that contract!!

Deb N said...

Exciting, Marcia - Lifting my glass to a great 2022!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Thanks Diana now to get that delayed book to the editor.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Cheers Deb N! much success and happiness this year.

Maggie Lynch said...

I hear you on the hybrid route. I know several people who move back and forth between indie and trad depending on what they are writing and what the trad market is willing to pay for. It is true about the connections that trad publishers have that are not impossible but difficult for indie's to get.

I hope you find the perfect editor and publisher for your books. Much success in 2022 and beyond.