Welcome to the Romancing the Genres February
blogs. Our February blog topics are:
Treasures vs Stuff
Is Love All We Need?
Treasures vs Stuff
Is Love All We Need?
I hope you enjoy the photo journey of my family treasures, as well as depictions of what I consider romantic, grand gestures.
Two examples of proposals at the beach – how romantic is this?
You can’t go wrong with a trip to a local winery for a romantic excursion.
Family bible owned by my children’s great, great,
great, great grandmother, according to the note written in my grandmother’s
hand and found tucked into the bible. Behind the bible is an old coal bucket my grandmother stenciled and turned into a trash can. My grandmother was great at turning
“stuff” into family treasures.
My grandmother around age 20-25, early 1900s - she was my treasure, as well as the keeper of family treasures and their history.
The tinsel painting was made by Diana Trask, my great, great grandmother for her SIL,
Deborah. Although my name is spelled without the “H”, it seems that the name
Debora and Deborah run in the family. On the back is the history of the painting written by my grandmother.
Sweet, romantic gesture of locking thumbs, and another of holding
hands and baby shoes. Each tells a story.
Love is all we need, shown in the simplest act of just being together.
Photo Credits:
- Google Search
man and woman
holding hands photo – Free Holding hands Image on Unsplash
Couple, Hands, Baby Shoes, Cute, Romance (wallpapermaiden.com)
other photos by Delsora Lowe
What a lovely way to end my day! Thank you for sharing your memories...and how could anyone resist a proposal of marriage at the beach? Obviously within your family, unless the message on the sand and the kiss at sunset or is it sunrise? the answer was "yes"
Love your pictures Deb, and the precious moments you shared with us!
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