Thursday, May 12, 2022

Finding Peace by Lynn Lovegreen

 ICYMI, First posted here in July, 2021


In our current world, it can be hard to find peace of mind. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the news or the negative things in our lives. But it’s essential for our mental and physical health to take a step back and find peace. Here are a few ideas in case you need some to get you started.


Find one beautiful thing and focus on that for a minute or two. Maybe you have a plant or picture in your home, or there are lovely clouds out your window. Just enjoy the beauty and breathe.

Clouds over a forest

Spend time with someone you love. You might live with a person your love, or have a friend or family member you can be with in person or call on the phone. Whoever it is, carve out a little time with them. Or if it’s not a person, maybe there’s a pet you love—that can count, too.


Give yourself some “me” time. Maybe you’re stretched thin from all the obligations others place on you, or you place on yourself. In that case, be the friend to yourself that you are for others. Take time to do something for yourself. Take a walk, read a book, whatever you need to recharge. 


Take a deep breath and do what you need to do. Find some peace. You are worth it.


Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for over fifty years. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering at her local library. Her young adult historical fiction is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


Judith Ashley said...

Such wisdom. Thanks for sharing it again, Lynn.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks for your support, Judith!