Friday, July 22, 2022

My Bucket is empty....

 This month's topic made me think.

Really think.

What are your bucket list trips...

I am a homebody by nature. I like nothing more than being in my own house, sleeping in my own bed, and using my own shower. I have all the things I love and need surrounding me in just the place I want them. I know where my toiletries are without thinking; I can pull the correct pot I need from the cabinet without even looking; my clothes are always in the right place. I don't need to go out to eat a meal - I just open the fridge and cook something.

My television is pre-programmed to the shows I watch routinely.

See? Homebody!

I grew up in New York City and the first time I was ever on a plane was when I was 21, Vice President of my College's student nurse organization, and I had to fly to Minneapolis for a convention. 

I couldn't wait to get back home.

Over the course of my 62 years, I've been to Ireland ( twice), England (twice), Barcelona ( once) Acapulco ( once), 20 US States, Montreal and Quebec ( once, each), Bermuda ( twice) the Bahamas ( once), Nova Scotia ( once) and Hawaii ( once - this was my favorite trip and the only one I cried over when I had to come home!) Iceland( once - worst trip ever!)

Each trip was lovely and except for Hawaii, I couldn't wait to get home again.

I think I've traveled enough.

My husband is a traveler. If he could, he would travel 6 months of the year. I have never had the desire to be away from home.

Maybe it's because I had such a disruptive upbringing. We moved multiple times - sometimes 2-3 times in a year - because money was scarce and rent was high, sometimes impossible to pay. 

I never felt like I belonged anywhere permanently. Some would think because of this itinerant upbringing I would be a natural traveler. 

Nope. Once I found my forever home I vowed to stay put...forever. 

So, my bucket travel list, for now, is empty. I am content to sit at home, play with the dog, visit my grandson, and simply bask in the familiarity of my life.


Judith Ashley said...

Peggy, you may be a bit more of a homebody than I am but not by much. I've a 4 hour trip coming up next week to my granddaughter's wedding. I wouldn't miss it for anything and I'm not looking forward to it. Deciding what to wear, packing, driving there and then being around a bunch of people (over 100) even outdoors (and if the temps are in the high 80's - 100's that makes it even worse), is not now and never has been something I've been excited to do. I've pretty much decided to come home the next day instead of staying over an extra day because I want my own bed, etc. etc. etc.

peggy jaeger said...

I think the pandemic sent us each in one of two directions: we couldn't wait to get out of the house, or we loved being in the house. I'm the latter. P

Judith Ashley said...

Me too...although I wasn't one who was out and about before the pandemic. I went out to work, to meetings, appointments but seldom just to "go out". I've friends who are out and about almost every day and they still went out during the pandemic...just not as much as normal. I'd got a week or more without going anywhere except my walk around the block/neighborhood. That's hasn't changed much.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

That makes sense, Peggy. When you travel a lot as a youngster, it loses its novelty, and creating a home moves to the top of the list.

As long as your hubby travels when he feels the need, sounds like you have a perfect arrangement! ;-)

peggy jaeger said...

Lynn - yup! ANd I go with him. I just can't wait to go back home! hee hee

Deb N said...

Totally relate, Peggy. As a child, with my dad in foreign service, I traveled a lot. Both to and from countries, but also exploring in those countries. In various jobs, I have traveled to conferences or putting on events. Now, traveling takes up too much energy. And, as you pointed out, after being pent up because of covid, I have grown used to being home. Although, when "forced" to go out, I do feel energized, realizing that being a homebody isn't all it is hyped up to be :-) At heart I am an extrovert and I enjoy gabbing with folks. But, I also love being home for all the reasons you mentioned.
