Friday, August 19, 2022

Word Hoarder Extraordinaire!

My name is Pippa Jay, and I am a hoarder, of both physical and digital things. My stories are no exception. I never throw anything away! I have files full of the early drafts of my first published novel - all the paper versions I wrote, and every version I sent out to agents as I sought the traditional path (I rewrote it every time I sent it out). I kept all the digital versions too, though the computer they were written on has long since gone to the great junkyard in the sky. I just can't bear to delete them.

But it's not all pointlessly taking up space. Some of the earlier works from my teenage years have been reworked into later pieces. Characters, names, planets, storylines - many have been recycled and found new life in another form or book. I even have a OneNote file called Bunny Plot Storage Facility where random names, words, one sentence ideas, pieces of technology or random scientific discoveries are hoarded for a time I might need them. Because while I might be a hoarder, I don't like anything to go to waste if I could find a use for it later on.

For example, the tyrant and her medic and race in Keir's Fall came from a very early Doctor Who short I wrote as a teen (what's now called fan fiction). My main character Quin came from one too. 

So when my editor says cut, nothing gets deleted. It just joins the other plot bunnies in storage to be resurrected in another time and place (sometimes quite literally). Why let a good word (or several) go to waste when some days finding any is like pulling teeth?! 


Deb N said...

Totally, totally relate, Pippa - save every word, every nugget of an idea, every timeline and character sheet. You never know when you may need them or expand on those invaluable tidbits. OR...they sit there forever, for someone else to find. And that someone else, will shout to the heavens - Genius, Pure Genius... Or maybe not :-)

Diana McCollum said...


I enjoyed your blog, and laughed several times through it as I too have saved many words, ideas and actual stories that have never been published.

Hmm, maybe I should resurrect some of them?

Judith Ashley said...

Pippa, I've a few deleted scenes saved but nothing like what you do. Love that you are "recycling" those old stories and ideas into your newer work.

Anonymous said...

There's always something useful in those saved fragments. Although I'm pretty sure some of them would earn more the cry of 'what was she thinking?!' 😆

Pippa Jay said...

I find them especially useful when you have a blank page to give you a starting point.

Pippa Jay said...

Got to make them pay their way! 😆

Sarah Raplee said...

Great post, Pippa! I can relate, and laughed at myself while reading about your plot bunnies.