Friday, September 16, 2022


Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of sci-fi and supernatural stories to engage your emotions. And I have three of my favourite quotes to share with you. See if you can spot where they come from.

1. Do or do not. There is no try.

I'm not even sure why I like this because I'm not sure it's true - at least, not for everyone. I think it's more about having faith in yourself at being able to achieve something eventually even if it takes several failures, rather than an absolute. Sometimes you have to try and fail. As someone who learns by doing rather than reading instructions (I would totally be the one who pushes the big red button) I guess I really am a 'do or do not' at heart while feeling this is a bit harsh on those who try. I think I just contradicted myself!

2. Never give up! Never surrender!

I've always considered my stubbornness a positive trait because it's given me the strength never to give up even when I want to. However, it does mean persisting past the point where it might be the wiser option, lol. Surprisingly, it doesn't make me incapable of changing my mind, although having to change my plans is incredibly painful.

3. Don't Panic. 

This was never a piece of advice I could follow despite the sense in it. However, I have developed a very good mask to dealing with things eg when my youngest split his head open in an argument with an automatic door and my daughter was screaming, my husband panicking, and my child crying his eyes out. While I might have been completely freaking out internally, I calmly sat him down and held the wound closed having dispatched my husband to locate a member of staff to get a first aider and talking my daughter back down. Only after returning from A&E and some surgical glue did I spend a quiet ten minutes alone in a corner until the shakes had passed. What's the saying? If you can keep your head wile those about youare losing theirs...?

Anyway, hope you had some fun trying to figure out where those three came from - gold star if you get all three!


Diana McCollum said...

I like your quotes! No Gold star for me , as I don't know where they come from.

Maybe from Pippa?

Thanks for sharing.

Judith Ashley said...

#1 is from Star Wars - said by Yoda. Trying and failing is doing if we learn from that experience and try again. Trying and giving up? That means whatever is in the "I wish" category instead of the "I will" one.

#2 is soooo familiar. I'm thinking Winston Churchill is a speech during WWII.

#3 - I've no idea where that comes from. I am also someone who holds it together in the midst of the crisis and then deals with the aftermath, usually on my own.

Are you going to share the answers here?