I’m guessing this month’s theme, Things that Go Bump in the Night, conjures up all sorts
of super spooky Halloween images: the price of gas, politicians trying to keep a promise, Simon Cowell’s botox, freezer burn, English peas…
Ooops! Alternate universe. I mean images of ghosts, goblins, and chain-saw killers.
For me though, the thing that goes bump in the night is…well, me. In my younger days, I was fairly coordinated. But since my eye surgery, I’ve become the ultimate klutz.
For those of you who aren’t aware, when you have LASIK to eliminate the need for reading glasses, one eye gets corrected for near vision, the other for distance. What they don’t tell you is that your brain, which is responsible for 50% of your vision, doesn’t really like this visual AD/DC. My gray matter wasn’t (and still isn’t) prepared for the change. Add in the correction of my stigmatism, for which my dear old noggin had already strained to correct, and you have one mixed up noddle.
I’m okay if I look straight ahead, but a brick slightly to my left, or a chair a little to my right…
And I’m a whole lotta screwed. In other words, my brain doesn’t believe my eyes. And the knees and toes pay the price.
But Google has a cure for everything right? So I went a-searching. Here’s the six things I found for clumsiness that should definitely get me back on the tightrope.
- Slow things down.
Hello! Does Google think
the world’s going to slow down so I can stay upright?
If anyone out there
knows how to “slow things down,” please write a blog.
- Stay organized. Having stuff
all over the place gives you more of an opportunity to trip over
Well, thank you very
much, Google. Let me get right on that. I should have time when I slow things
And it’s not like I
only spill coffee and knock over a stack of oranges at home, so can you please
pass this info to everyone else in my life, at work, and don’t forget the
grocery store. Definitely tell those folks at Starbucks about not having stuff
- Pay attention to your
Again Google—hellllooo! Do you know how much environment we’re
talking about?
- Get your vision checked out.
duh. This is how I became a lummox in the first place.
- Try exercises
that improve your balance.
I can stay in the tree
pose for hours. Well, at least three minutes. And when I’m done, I usually
knock my yogurt off the table.
- Don't be hard on yourself.
Okay, I like this one. 😊
Despite the spills I leave in my wake, and the constantly bruised shins, I’d do it all again. Being able to read books, my phone, and my computer without searching for glasses…priceless!
Let’s all take it easy on ourselves. And have a graceful
Happy Boo’ing,
Enjoyed the read! Definitely going to try the advice! Happy Wednesday :)
Such a price to pay for vision. Thanks
Robin, love your sense of humor. You keep us grounded in the real world.
Robin, interesting post. I've a couple of friends who've had that surgery and neither has mentioned the divisive vision. In time will your brain figure it out? May you have a good supply of arnica gel or salve or lotion to ease the bruising.
Wow! Sorry you are having trouble with the "corrected" vision.
I had cataract surgery and the doc fixed my stigmatism and made my vision so I only need readers.
I love it and haven't found any problems.
Nice blog post.
Robin - here's to your brain speeding up its healing. Love your responses to the obvious and mostly unhelpful advice.
As for number five - a good one - and good advice for all sorts of situations :-)
Well, since my knickname is now “Grace” ( I just fractured my left ankle while walking a country road- while waving at the UPS guy- who was not the hunk I would have hoped for,
But I was being neighborly. Actually I was just hoping he would see me and not run me over, but of course then I twisted my ankle which turned into a full face plant, and well…I have the knee high orthopedic boot on my leg to prove my knickname is well founded ) so I can totally relate to the things that go bump. I have the bruises and the scars earned over a multiple decades to prove it. Stubbed toes, banged elbows, scarred knees, burned fingers. Ok, I am an accident waiting for an ambulance to arrive. Halloween is coming- I already have the Herman Munster boot, keeping my fingers crossed I don’t need the matched set before the 31st. Wish me luck. Oh yeah I had LASIK surgery too…give me strength.
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