Saturday, November 12, 2022

Thanksgiving from an Aussie POV


My name is Susan Horsnell and I hail from the ever sunny state of Queensland, Australia. That’s when we are home and not travelling in our caravan/rv.

I’m here this time to talk about Thanksgiving, a celebration which is fast approaching for our friends in the US. The holiday is not celebrated in Australia except by Americans who have relocated to Australia or who are in country temporarily. 

So, what is Thanksgiving all about and when was it first celebrated. Although much of this is common knowledge, it is interesting reading.

The very first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621—wow, 167 years before European settlement in Australia. It was a three day harvest festival which included pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians, who were key to the pilgrim’s early survival. According to historians, there were the grand total of five—yep five women present!

Interestingly, turkey was not on the menu. Instead it’s believed venison, duck, goose, and fish were offered.

A picture containing bird

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It wasn’t until 3 October 1863 that Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday after a lady by the name of Sarah Josepha Hale basically nagged him for 17 years to do so. Interesting fact—she was the woman who wrote “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

Another fascinating fact is that George H. W. Bush was the president who formalized the turkey pardoning tradition in 1989. Lucky turkeys!


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The tradition of football on thanksgiving began in 1876 with a game between Yale and Princeton and the first NFL games were played on the holiday in 1920. 

Thanksgiving is a time for family, celebration and giving thanks for every blessing received. It should also be a time for reflection on the past. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


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I write Historical US Fictional Romance so check out what I have to offer at: 

Commencing in January I will be publishing Australian Historical Fictional Romance under the pen name -Annabel Vaughan. These stories will explore Australia’s dark past.


Sarah Raplee said...

An interesting and fun post, Susan. Thank you for Guesting at RTG.

I look forward to reading your Australian Historicals. I respect your willingness to shine a light in dark places so that we know the truth about the past.

Judith Ashley said...

Sue, I appreciate your putting the American Thanksgiving celebration in context. Sometimes we become so focused on our little corner of the world, we miss seeing ourselves in a broader context.

You new series looks amazing! So excited to see it. Will you be publishing outside of Amazon?

Susan Horsnell said...

Thank you for your comment, Sarah. I believe the past should never be ignored or forgotten. To pretend it didn't happen is to diminish the bravery of those who suffered.

Susan Horsnell said...

Thank you for having me Judith. I think most countries focus on internal history and struggles and it's interesting to see it through the eyes of an 'outsider.'
My historical Australian fiction will be Amazon exclusive as I have no luck wide.