Hard to believe it's time to write another yearly recap post. I used to laugh at "older folks" when they said once you got to a certain age, time flew by faster every year.
Now I'm one of those "older folks," and I gotta tell ya, it's true!
I made some decent goals for 2022 and I think I achieved most of them - and not through anything but grit, determination, and a lot of lost sleep.
I wanted to up my Instagram followers this year so I started posting a picture of the day. 365 days of a daily pic of something going on in my life. Sometimes it was about what I was doing writing-wise, sometimes it was about my dog. But I made the goal ( or I will by December 31!) It was a monumental task for me because I'm not used to taking pictures and to post one every day that someone would find interesting was a challenge.
And I have to tell you, I'm glad it's almost over, hahaha
I had 8 books written and published this year - most over 50,000 words each, so no quick short stories or novellas. They were, each and everyone, time-consuming, but I'm glad I got them done in the time frame I'd set for myself. I had a reader ask me recently why I publish so often and I told her the truth: I'm still a relative unknown, so the more I can get my name out there to new readers, the better it will be for my career. I'm 62 years old and I don't know how many more years I'll have to write like this. I'd like to have a large-to-massive following someday, and someday needs to be soon!
Had two of my books made into games!!! This was by far the coolest thing. A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: RICK became UNDER HIS PROTECTION in the CHAPTERS app and TODAY, TOMORROW, ALWAYS was billed the same way in the ROMANCE FATE app ( although they changed the story almost completely!!!)
I was also thrilled to have a book accepted to the KISS app. A PRIDE OF BROTHERS has both Rick and Aiden as one story, you get two books for the price of one!
I've got 10 new books on the docket for the year, 3 of them are for traditional publishers, and the rest are indie, so I've got to get my rear end in gear. The best way to accomplish all this is to be dedicated to writing first before all else I need to do for my career, so that means daily word counts of 2-3k without fail.
Once again I'm going to up my personal appearances. I already have 5 book signings all over the East Coast scheduled, although one I may have to cancel due to a time conflict. I will be doing more local book signings, and this year I am going to explore local fairs to sell my books. I have several writer friends who do this successfully every year and make a killing plus garner new readers who didn't know their names beforehand.
Another thing I'm passionate about spreading positivity. We live in difficult ( at best!) times right now where hate, depression, and overall ennui are taking over. If I can, I want to be a light in someone's day, so I'll be posting a daily positivity boost on my Instagram and Facebook pages to - hopefully - make someone feel less lonely, depressed, and forgotten.
And, of course, I have to add the annual I-want-to-lose-50-pounds-goal. I'd settle for 10, or 5 if I have to, but once again, I'm upping my exercise and fitness routine, now that my long Covid seems to be resolving. eating better is always a challenge, but I'll give it a try.
Here's hoping your 2023 is better than 2022, filled with love, laughter, light, and above all else, health.
Happy New Year, folks ~ Peg
Peggy Jaeger writes in multiple romance genres about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can't live without them. She loves to connect with readers and other writers and talk about all things romance and romance related.
You've accomplished a lot, Peggy. Wishing you more success and positivity in 2023!
Congratulations on all you've accomplished this year, Peggy! I admire your hard work and dedication. I hope next year is even better for you. You go, Girl!
Lynn - thankyou. It's been a tough year, but we keep on, don't we?
Sarah, I hope it is a wonderful 2023 for you too.
Being so clear on your goals and what it takes to get there is at least 50% of the journey, or so it is for me. Very impressive 2022 accomplishments which bodes well for your 2023 goals. And, your commitment to posting something positive resonated with me. I've been debating on resurrecting my personal blog. Now I've an idea of what I could do (short messages usually) that ignite in me the feelings I want to inspire outside me.
Congratulations on all you've accomplished. I haven't even thought about 2023 yet! :-)
Judith - thanks for that !!!! ANd I think you should resurrect your blog. I look at it like a personal diary I make public!! Only I leave out the dirty parts, lol
Liz - hahah! I;m even thinking about 2024 - just like the politicians are doing, LOL!!
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