Friday, January 20, 2023

The Promise of a New Year


Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of sci-fi and supernatural stories with a romantic soul. 

And I do not make New Year resolutions. I've never really understood the whole making new rules for yourself on the turning of a day which most people inevitably break in the first week. But this year I did make some promises to myself. To spend a few extra minutes each day on self care, be it a bit longer moisturising my skin, an extra glass of water, or five minutes doing a few stretches or deep breaths. I've reached an age where I don't heal so quickly or take a bit longer recovering from illness, and more bit of my body aren't quite as efficient or injury resistant as they used to be. I have spent just over a year trying different prescribed medications to try and get myself back on track, and it finally seems to be working. I've even gone back to doing some writing, a thing I kept telling myself it was merely lack of time and not the complete death of enthusiasm for it (another symptom of my issues). 

So what lies ahead in this year of promise? Well, travel for one thing. Our delayed trip to Iceland should be going ahead this summer, with possibly a bonus trip to Finland too. I have gradually been stepping up my exercise plan in the hope of fitting my most complicated cosplay to date. And with my muse finally seeming to be regaining her energy, there might even be a new book in my main series in the future. Who knows?! 2023 feels a bit more promising on that front...


Judith Ashley said...

Pippa, welcome to the club! I can so relate to your post. Yes, my body is not as efficient as it once was. It does not recover from illness or injury like it used to. And the best thing I've done for myself is to be more diligent in my self-care.

And, I like the idea of making promises to myself instead of resolutions or even goals.

How exciting to visit Iceland and maybe even Finland! I've heard wonderful tales about Iceland from people who've traveled there.

Tipping my glass of Vitamin C your way with a toast: Here's to 2023 and Self-Care!

Diana McCollum said...

What a great blog post! One I can absolutely relate too. I'm taking longer to recover after illness (pneumonia in December). I started back up walking at the park yesterday, now our big CA rain storms are over. I found I was a bit tired after my walk , which is not the norm.

Iceland sounds amazing! Here's to you getting to go on a dream trip!