Friday, February 10, 2023

Relationships Are Like a Garden

 by Diana McCollum

Relationships are like a garden. They need to be nourished, cultivated and weeded out.

We have relationships everywhere. In our families, in our service people, such as grocery cashiers, doctors, bankers, coffee kiosks people, church, school etc.

If a relationship is not working no matter how much you try to make it work, consider it toxic, time to weed it out.

Outside our homes the relationship should be cordial. My husband and I have several restaurants, for instance,  we  go to on a regular basis. We know all the waitresses names and always have a conversation, however short, with them. 

We've Now made friends of the Ace Hardware clerks too. It is so pleasant to walk into any place of business and have people who work there smile and really mean it when they ask 'how's your day going?'

As we near Valentine's Day think about not only your loved family members, but the other relationships in your life. Maybe some extra recognition for all they do to serve you.

Happy Valentine's my friends!


Lynn Lovegreen said...

Good advice, Diana!

Judith Ashley said...

Well said, Diana. I may not know the names of the clerks in the grocery store and I always speak directly to them and thank them and wish them a good day as I leave.

Sarah Raplee said...

Remember the quote from Mother Theresa you put up a week or so ago? "A smile is the beginning of love." You are so right! Love this!!!

Diana McCollum said...

Thank you Lynn, Judith and Sarah.
You are all so nice and I've enjoyed knowing you all through our blog.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Relationships are like gardens. They need to be tended and watered. I do believe in gettng the weeds out.

Diana McCollum said...

Thanks for stopping by Marcia!

Maggie Lynch said...

Really love the concept here. I'm very bad at remembering names, including those of several cousins I don't see often. However, because waiters, store clerks, cashiers always wear a name badge, I make a point of thanking them by name. These small courtesies make a world of difference. It says: "I see you. I appreciate you."

Thanks for a lovely post.