Friday, March 10, 2023

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

by Diana McCollu

We are hoping it's true, because our March here in Paradise, CA, came in like a lion. Snow-magadeon started on February 23, 2023, it has snowed everyday until today, March 9 th when it finally turned to rain.

My husband kept track of each days snow total.  The final count was 44"! This is an area that normally might get 6" for the year. 

While we got tired of the snow and being stranded in the house, the poor animals suffered. Deer came everyday looking for food and eating out of the bird feeders. Quail perched on the fence and flew from tree to tree instead of running along the ground. Turkeys came and scratched under the big trees where the snow hadn't accumulated.

We were lucky in that we have a warm house, plenty of food ( we stocked up before the storm hit), we didn't lose power or water or satellite dish service, neither of us had to leave the house for work. Although hubby did have to go out and sweep snow off satellite dish because when it was too thick we lost the service. 

We did lose six large branches off our large cedar tree,And our gazebo collapsed under the weight of the snow.

Also, road and driveway no mail delivery for over two weeks. No garbage pickup either. This week hubby sat in his truck at the end of the road for 2 1/2 hrs to meet the mail lady. He drove the garbage can to the end of the road and left it for pickup.

As I write this it has begun to snow again, so far it isn't sticking. If this is true about the lion coming roaring into  March, This year we should have a little lamb for the end of March. Next week is the middle of March, so we'll see!

What's the weather like where you live? 

Stay safe!



Anonymous said...

I’ve been following your weather in California, Diana. It’s do unususl and such a major emergency in so much of the state! I’m glad you and your hubby are doing ok. Sorry about your gazebo🙁

Sarah Raplee said...

I can't believe how much snow you've gotten, Diana!!! And the storms just keep coming. I hope you don't have to deal with flooding in your area.

I hope the saying is correct, and March will calm down ane go out like a lamb.

Awesome photos!!!

Lara Zielinsky said...

The weather is transient in Florida right now, one day hot, near-record temps, and a couple days later, waking up I find I need sweats for my morning walk.

Do you find that different weather has a different effect on how much, or what, you choose to write?

Diana McCollum said...

Absolutely! When dealing with extreme weather I can't focus on writing.
Thanks for stopping by.

Thank you Sarah.

Maggie Lynch said...

44 inches!!! That sounds like Mt. Hood cabin snow. Good to hear your house didn't collapse under the weight. Sorry about the gazebo. I think next you get the good old atmospheric river of rain, from what the weather said yesterday. We had lots of rain yesterday and are slowly warming up. By Thursday, in Corvallis, we are supposed to be at 60 degrees. I hope that is true and that we've seen the last of any freezing temps. May our sunshine migrate your direction, too.