Saturday, March 4, 2023

March, a time of change

 It's March already, how did that happen?!

In some parts of the world, it's springtime.

And in others, it's fall.

But everywhere, it's a time of change. Embrace the beauty of March!


Judith Ashley said...

Beautiful images! And yes, March is a time of change which means opportunities surround us.

Sarah Raplee said...

March is one of my favorite months, Lynn!!! I love spring and fall, times of year when overall it's not too hot and not too cold. The flowers and leaves are so beautiful, and the baby animals are being born in the spring. Loved the pictures and I agree with the commentary about change and opportunities.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks, Judith and Sarah. Enjoy those opportunities!

Diana McCollum said...

Pretty pictures! and the sayings too.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks, Diana. Happy March!