Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spring is my jam... by Peggy Jaeger

 I live in an area that gets a lot of snow every winter.

A lot of snow.

Like, we measure in tens of feet instead of regular feet and/or inches. Snowfall season typically starts in late October and goes until the end of March or even the beginning of April some years.

This past week, a March Nor'easter blew into town and as of today - where it is still snowing - we've gotten 27 inches of the white stuff piled onto the already six or seven inches that were on the ground.

Check out this link to me driving down my street during the start of the storm: video

Needless to say, Spring can't come soon enough for me. And I don't mean on just the calendar.

I need to see green grass, crocuses popping up, and daffodils sprouting. I'm not even mad at the dandelions that invade my lawn every year because it means things are heating up, melting, and my little world is going to be pretty again.

I love the rebirth feeling I get in Springtime. You can hear the birds now and not the sound of snowblowers. You can wear actual shoes again and not stuff your feet into all-weather boots. Light jackets replace parkas; hats go back into storage, and gloves - the ones I haven't lost - go back into their bins. 

Springtime also means something for me professionally: book releases. I tend to stop releasing new material around October or November when my Christmas romances come out. Then I spend the long winter months not only hibernating but writing, as well. Those things I've written start getting published in springtime.

This year, for example, I have a new release on March 27 ( an anthology) and then indie books scheduled for May, June, and July so far. With ten books on the publishing docket in 2023 ( some indie, some traditional) I've got a full spring/summer/fall ahead of me before the snow starts falling again and I go  back into hibernation mode.

Spring, truly is, my jam.


Deb N said...

Love the video, Paty. We used to have winters like that in Maine. But the snow fall is much less these days. Not that I complain when there is less shoveling, and it is easier to get around. BUT... we need to precipitation after several years of nearing drought stages.

And, oh my. I knew you worked hard, but 10 books this year! I am always in awe of your productivity! This was a fun blog pots@

peggy jaeger said...

thanks, Deb. Peggy

Deb N said...

Peggy - just realized I was reading and commenting on a few posts at the same time - whoops on the Paty - whose blog is above yours. But yes, I loved your video. And I too cherish the moment those dandelions bloom. It means spring has sprung.
