Friday, March 17, 2023

Time And Relative Dates In Space


Hi, I'm Pippa Jay, author of sci-fi and supernatural stories to engage your emotions.

Any Whovian might well spot the acronym that can be made from my post title - I've taken a slight liberty in changing the original wording to my own. 

Dates of the year I mark - working in a school, the school holidays are always high on the list. Sometimes it seems wasteful wishing away the time between them even though I (mostly) happen to love my day job as a chemistry technician.

Anniversaries - 30 years of marriage this year, with the bonus of our day being the extra bank holiday gifted to the UK, courtesy of the coronation. I won't be watching that, though, with my own celebration to enjoy.

Birthdays. My eldest turns 21 this year. 21! In another year all my children will be adults. It goes so fast. Mine is nothing special other than having passed fifty seems to be used as a excuse for every ache or pain or illness that comes along.

Astronomical. I love to at least acknowledge the spring and autumn equinoxes, and the winter and summer solstices. Meteorological spring and autumn. And my interest in these even led to some books marking them or our associated holidays like Christmas and Halloween.

But the most important time is time to myself, to rest and regenerate (though not quite Time Lord level). 


Judith Ashley said...

In reading your post, Pippa, I'm reminded yet again of how quickly time can seem to pass. My son will celebrate his 60th birthday in May. I've great grands who will be 6 and 8 this year. Even my friends are adding another year to their birthday counts as will I. Thanks for sharing your Dates...and for those of us (or maybe it's just me) who aren't Whovians, what is that acronym in your title?

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Lots of good things to celebrate, Pippa! Hope this month treats you well.

Pippa Jay said...

So sorry, Judith! The acronym is Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, better known at TARDIS.

Judith Ashley said...

Pippa, no need to apologize. You were very clear that Whovians would know what you'd done. And now I've something new to add to my Jeopardy and Crossword Puzzle info. I've picked up a few Rappers by watching Ari Melber's The Beat. Gotta keep up with the times.