I had such great hopes for 2023, I really did.
But almost 4 months completely in, things haven't been...great. Not career-wise or personally.
I'd planned on penning and releasing 10 books this year. I've had three go out already, with another at the publishing house. That one looks like it will go in August. But my writing schedule has suffered a big hit due to personal issues, so those 10 have dropped significantly to -hopefully at least - 5.
The reason my schedule has been so off is due to the placing of my parents into a nursing home facility and then the subsequent - sudden- death of my mother, two weeks later. I am still trying to settle her estate, meet with lawyers, sell my parent's house, plus take care of all the financial stuff for both of them.
Added to that, my stepfather fell- twice in a two-week period and required two extensive surgeries to repair the damage to his hip - the same hip both times.
It's been a trying year so far.
There have been a few highlights for my career, though, and that's what's been getting me through.
I am a finalist in two contests for two different books and I have two books that have been nominated in the RONE awards contest.
Peaks and valleys, peeps. That's 2023 for me so far....
I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother, Peggy. That alone would be enough to derail a writer for a while, let alone all the responsibilities that followed.
Congratulations on your achievements. You are doing amazingly well in my opinion!
Hugs to you Peggy! Four years ago we lost our mom. It took two years to settle the estate and four years later I'm still recieving mail for her estate.
Congratulations on finaling in the contests. I think you are doing great. Be kind to yourself during this time.
Peggy, you certainly have been experiencing LIFE and the fact that you still plan on publishing 5 books this year is amazing. Do take care of yourself! That is critical to make it through these times. May your mother's estate be easily resolved!
Sending you a dozen hugs. Use them as needed.
My condolences, Peggy. So sorry you've had a rough time.
Three books and those awards are still great accomplishments!
Take care of yourself, and things will get easier one day. You are a strong woman.
Peggy, so, so sorry. I went through that last year. I managed to get my two books out that had deadlines (but barely,) and now I am resting up - over a year later. It all takes time, on top of the sadness. Know I am thinking about your during this trying time.
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