Thursday, May 11, 2023

Author Newsletter Evolution by Lynn Lovegreen

Happy 12th Anniversary Generistas! Sign up for our Newsletters so you can be eligible to win books, gift cards and other fun stuff. Drawing May 30th! CLICK HERE

When I started getting interested in romance novels eons ago, author newsletters were the thing. It seemed that everyone had one and it was the easiest way to find out about new books and events.


Then social media took off. We were encouraged to follow everyone’s Facebook page, Twitter profile, and what-have-you.  That’s where the “fun” stuff was happening. Some authors kept their newsletters, but it wasn’t the next big thing.


Then a bunch of stuff happened. It wasn’t as easy to find my favorite authors on my social media feed. Around the same time, my writing buddies started saying, hold on to your newsletter. It’s the most direct way to reach your readers regardless of what’s happening on social media algorithms.  So, here we are again!


I like author newsletters, although I don’t subscribe to as many as I did years ago. They often have fun photos and short articles about the author’s interests. Newsletters sit patiently in my inbox, so I can read them whenever I have time without worrying about missing one or digging through my social media feed. And newsletters often provide freebies and first notice about the latest book or other news, making me feel like an insider. ;-)


My own newsletter has evolved over time. Now, I post about once a quarter (unless I have big news). In the newsletters, I tell readers about the current weather in Southcentral Alaska, since that’s usually the first question I get asked by people living elsewhere. I let readers know about any speaking engagements or other author news coming up. And I always give an Alaska history tidbit about a famous person or event in Alaska’s past. New subscribers get my free Gold Rush-era historical novella. I usually throw in a chance to win book swag or another item, too!


If this sounds interesting, you can sign up to get my “Letter from Lynn” newsletter at


Happy reading, whether you’re into newsletters or other author insights!

Image of goldpan with two gold nuggets shaped like hearts

Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for most of her life. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering for her local library. Her young adult historical romance is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at


Marcia King-Gamble said...

I love Newsletters. I used to do mine quarterly but my marketing person said I should write one monthly so I set the expectation, as you lose reader interest if the newsletter just comes out periodically. I love Alaska so am definitely signing up for your newsletter.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks, Marcia! And thanks for helping with the drawing--should be a great package for the winner!

Judith Ashley said...

Lynn, very smart to have a "theme" for your newsletters. I love the fact that you include a bit of Alaskan history.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks, Judith. It makes it easier to think of things to post, too. ;-)