I live in a place where winter doesn't last the typical calendar 3 months. It doesn't even last 4 months.
Nope. Not even 5. Truthfully, I live in rural New England where winter arrives sometime in October and sticks around until May. This is no lie. My birthday is in May and two years in a row there was still snow on the ground that had fallen in November and never melted, just got piled on top of by more snow.
Then there are the temperatures. Many Januarys, the temp doesn't rise about 15 degrees F on any day.
31 days of frigid air temps turns me into a hermit through most of the new year.
On those ridiculously cold days, I daydream about living somewhere the temperature never goes above 70 degrees, there is no humidity ( my curly hair hates humidity!), and the sun shines for exactly 10 hours a day, not into the late, late evening, which makes going to bed difficult.
Does anyone know of such a place? If you do, I'm there in a heartbeat, LOL.
If I was able to find a paradise like that I'd do what I do now and write all day long. But I think I might change up my location a little and go outside to write, not stay hermited inside all day long, like I do during those dreadful winters.
I don't care if the place is near the ocean - water doesn't appeal to me and I have to stay out of direct sunlight anyway due to my skin condition.
I don't care if it's in the mountains, either, because I already live in the woods so trees don't do it for me.
And I don't care if it's in an urban or rural area. I've lived in both. No preference.
All I care about is the temperature, humidity control, and daylight hours.
Not too much to wish for, right? LOL
Peggy, when you find this paradise, let me know and I'll join you. Sounds about perfect to me although I do enjoy the change in seasons to a point. The point is not the hot hot summers we now routinely have although we don't have the cold cold winters you describe so I always vote for winter - no pollen in the air at that time of year.
Sounds like Paradise! Mild winters, mild summers and 10 hrs of sunshine! That's one of the reasons people move to Hawaii if they can afford it!!! Although they have two seasons, the dry season and the wet season. Might be too much humidity for you in the wet.
Interesting blog post. Sounds like a nice place to live. Let us know if you find it!
Nice post, Peggy!
I'm looking toward to seeing you at the RWA conference next month.
Judith 0_ if weather conditions were more temperate where I live I might not complain so much...LOL/ But who am I kidding??? I'd complain anyway! Lol
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