While I’ve never been an excessive planner, in the past, I’ve created a general outline for what I hoped to achieve and pretty much adhered to the schedule.
So what happened this year?
I thought about it and thought some more and realized: The answer is simple. I got a microwave kiln for Christmas.
The little gizmo, which cost less than $50, has taken possession of my very soul. I won’t say it’s like crack—only because I’ve never done crack, but I swear, the thing calls to me: “Come here! Precious wants you time, your money, and your first born.”
Fortunately, my first-born is over 21 and refused to consent.
Anyway, back to my problem… My more generous friends say: “At least you’re still the creating.”
The more realistic comment: “Are you ever going to write again?”
I want to get my writing back on track, truly I do. Everyday, I say I’ll write first thing. Then the day dawns, and I muse… If I cut some glass and do some fusing, and while the kiln is cooling, I’ll do some writing.
Only, I end up doing more cutting.
I justify my addiction by reminding myself the microwave uses about 1/50th of the energy of a regular kiln. No idea if that’s true or not, but the notion works for me. There’s also the justification that I’m using up those stained-glass leftovers, and I’ve finally found a use for all those wine and liquor bottles I’ve been saving.The result: 1 short story, preliminary edit of a book I finished last year—which technically still isn’t finished, and over 200 pieces of fused glass. Maybe I should create a Pinterest page. Urrr...No. Pinterest was my excuse for not writing before the kiln. At the risk of being redundant…sigh.
I don’t know if I get and stay so distracted because I have ADD, I’m obsessive, just writing lazy, or simply applying effort to a hobby with greater payback (if less internal reward). Not that it matters; I’m still stuck.
While I figure out how to fix my writer's off-the-clock, here’s some more of the stuff I’ve done.
Happy writing—or whatever. 😊 Stay cool.
Love the blue star bursts and totally agree with your thought process of saving energy using your new toy instead of a kiln!
Your creative juices are still flowing with the glass fusion. What beautiful pieces you've done.
Writing will come when your ready, and mabe the heroine will be someone who works with a kiln and glass!!
Your creations are lovely. I think I know what everyone on your list is getting for birthdays and Christmas.
Wow, Robin--that artwork is so cool!
It's common for writers to have other creative outlets. And maybe when the novelty wears off, you'll find time to write again.
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