So, when 2023 started I had 10 books I needed to write and release for the year. 3 were going to be traditionally published, the remaining 7 were all indies. I was slated for 10 personal book signing appearances, and four public speaking events. It was a full year.
Up until March 18 I was right on track. 2 indies had already gone to print and one of the trads was with the editor.
Then, my life changed forever.
My mother passed away, suddenly, on March 18. No buildup, no warning. Gone in less than 12 hours after being admitted to the emergency room. My life, my well ordered, scheduled like, shifted 180 degrees.
I was now the sole one responsible for my stepfather. I had to sell my parent's house, get him situated in the nursing home they'd been admitted to a week prior, and do about 1000 l things to become legally responsible so I could pay bills, etc.
The day after she died he fell in the nursing home and rebroke the hip he'd had repaired 2 weeks prior. Long story short, after being airlifted to a tertiary care facility in Connecticut ( they lived in Vermont) he spent a week there, had a second surgery and then was readmitted back to the nursing home. During that week I met with a realtor, their bank manager, and numerous legal experts.
Suffice it to say the book I was supposed to write in March never materialized.
Nor did the one I had slotted for April.
In fact, I had to pull out of a traditional contract for the remaining 2 because I didn't have the time to write on the deadline I was given.
My 10 book year suddenly dissolved to 6.
I've managed to get 3 out, and have the remaining 3 releasing 8.13, 9.18, and 11.1. All but the 11.1 book is done and ready to go. The 8.14 one already has by the time this is published.
Having to pull out of a traditional contracted release was heartbreaking for me. I don't know if I'll get another chance to redeem myself with the publisher.
As far as the booksignings and personal speaking arrangements, I've managed - barely - to get through them all to date. I still have 5 more to do before the end of October and then I am done for the year. I haven't booked anything for 2024 yet and I don't think I will.
2023 will be the year I remember as the one that proved I'm human. Up until this year, I thought I could do it all.
Nope. Not even close.
Oh Peggy, my heart goes out to you. Although both of my parents have died, I had warning so that part wasn't the trauma that you experienced. However, all of the challenges you've shared are ones I can relate to. Perhaps different setting or issues and yet, the legal stuff, sorting, selling, disbursing, etc. was never ending. The fact that you've written anything at all is a testament to your commitment to your stories. You may not have "done it all" and you've come pretty close to that mark from my perspective. Do take care of yourself so you can continue to write into the future.
Thank you, Judith. It's been hard, but the writing has been the one thing that's kept me sane thru this all.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Peggy. No one can do it all. Cut yourself some slack and take care of yourself. Kudos on all you[ve managed to do!!!
OMG - Peggy - so sorry for your loss and all that goes with it. I am still dealing with estate things two years after my mom passed. Sometimes it seems never-ending. Please know I am thinking about you. When I started reading your blog, I was stressed just "reading" what you had planned for the year. My heart goes out to you. Do what you can, when you can, and hopefully the rest will fall into place eventually. I've learned from the last few years, to do what I can, when I can, and then announce a book when it is ready. I hope you can get back to feeling creative and finding solace from that process, as you navigate on your own timeline. Blessings to you and your family. And BIG HUGS!
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