Unfortunately, I have done something like this more than once.
But...we discovered we were too busy to enjoy the coffee making ritual on a regular basis. We rarely...okay, NEVER use it any more. Luckily, we love the mugs (normal-sized). My DH visited schools wearing a Smokey Bear costume when he was a firefighter years ago. The cat on my mug is the spitting image of our cat, Neko.
Over ten years ago, my husband decided he wanted to learn to speak Russian in order to communicate with a prospective customer.
While cleaning out the home office closet the other day, I came across the complete course he ordered in the unopened box - including CDs and MP3 files. SIGH.
We live on an acreage in the country. Unfortunately the last few years our road has been used as a dumping ground for unwanted bunnies bought on impulse for Easter. (The kind thing to do is to turn them over to a humane society or rabbit rescue group.)
(PLEASE, don't buy pets on an impulse. Do your research and think things through.)
We've had a hot, dry summer. During the final heat wave, we put out water for the birds. While on a trip to the feed store, we bought a stainless steel water pan for the poor bunnies. The next day it rained and the weather cooled off.
We could return the pan, but why bother? These bunnies will most likely get eaten over the winter (some are already gone), but there will probably be a new crop of Impulse Bunnies next summer.
What have you bought on impulse and regretted later?
Oh, this is a good blog post! How to books, and then never read. souvinier coffee mugs, we just moved and donated a bunch. Those are the biggest, largest amount of bought items never to be used again,
Great post, Sarah. We have our share of mugs we've never used, t-shirts for good causes, and shoes I only wore once. I keep hoping I'll learn from these experiences.
I buy everything on impulse. If it speaks to me I buy it. Doesn't have to be useful. Appeal to me aesthetically and you are mine.
Ah, yes, Diana - How-to books are a great example! I've bought my share, and some were never read. Thanks for stopping by.
T-shirts for causes are a good example too, Lynn. I've managed to avoid those except for one that was my dad's for a Duck Race for the Lion's Club from 1983. I keep and wear that one for sentimental reasons. Thanks for commenting.
Marcia, you are such a free spirit that I'm not surprised you buy everything on impulse! You have a wonderful eye and impeccable taste, so that works well for you. I can only manage those magical purchases occasionally. Loved your comment!
I'm more aware of those impulse/souvenir purchases now that I'm purging all those things I've not used in years if not decades...books although most of them are read, t-shirts, mugs are on my list also. I seldom buy clothes so those I usually keep until they rot at the seams although if I purchased something nice for a special occasion that's different and now gone. My challenge these days are not actually impulse purchases but items from a different technological time i.e. VHS videos I hate to get rid of but also do not want to buy again. I've a stack at least 12 inches tall of CD's from various writing conferences I've gone to. Where to get rid of those? Maybe donate to ? Or if anyone is reading this and would like them, let me know and I'll send them your way!
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