Monday, September 18, 2023

Shop Till You Drop!


By:  Marcia King-Gamble

Browsing through stores has always been therapeutic for me.  In fact, I enjoy doing so when times are good, and times are not so good. I find peace and a certain tranquility from wandering through aisles, sniffing perfumes, and touching fabrics.  It’s not about the buying of things, it’s more about sensory overload.  The smells, the sights, the sounds, the people around me can jumpstart me into a good mood.

Strolling through stores is a relaxing endeavor. There are times I buy absolutely nothing, and there are times I leave like Baa, Baa, Black Sheep with three bags full. This may sound like an expensive proposition, but the truth of the matter is I’m a bargain shopper.

’m fortunate enough to have a body type that fits into one-of-a kind items. Those items are often on the clearance racks of the more expensive stores. What I pay for these finds is far less than those shopping in Walmart would. Shoppers Tip - First search the clearance racks of the Upmarket stores. Go the evening before the sale is advertised, this way you miss the crowds and things are not picked through.

There’s a secret to bargain shopping. Time, energy, and knowing where and when to shop. A dress size that’s not the norm helps, as does a willingness to search for the rare gem with the unbelievable price tag. Don’t let distance be an obstacle. And don't go shopping with anything particular in mind.

Speaking of distance, I have been known to rent an SUV, (comes with a full tank of gas and puts less wear and tear and mileage on my car), and drive to an outlet over 200 miles away. Why? Because when I can buy a beautiful dress at a Sak’s outlet for under $25, or a pair of leather, designer boots for a few cents more, why not?

I am happy to make a fun day of it. Laden down with bags, tired feet, or not, at the beginning or end of an outlet there is always a restaurant where I can put my feet up. It offers a meal, wine, and a relaxing place to look at my bargains.

What are some of your favorite places to shop? You tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.

About Marcia King-Gamble

On Kindle Vella as Sari Smith  and Marcia King-Gamble read her Estate of Mine, First three episodes free ASIN: B0CC8HWQ52 and HotShot Doc ASIN: B0CB1TWHCY

USA bestselling romance writer, Marcia King-Gamble originally hails from a sunny Caribbean island where the sky and ocean are the same mesmerizing shade of blue. This former travel industry executive has spent most of life in the United States. A National Bestselling author, Marcia has penned over 34 books and 8 novellas. She has contributed to Michael Fiore’s DigitalRomanceInc and served as a moderator on the now defunct eHarmony advice boards.  Having witnessed the bad, the ugly, and the not so good in relationships, she still prefers to write about happily ever after. Caring for her animal family keeps her grounded and sane.

Visit Marcia at or “friend” her on Facebook:

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Sarah Raplee said...

What a fun post for me to read, as I am such a lousy shopper. Thanks for the tips! Now I know why you always dress so well: you are a shopping ninja :-)

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Thank you Sarah. I love a good bargain as you can see and I give "cheap" a good name.

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Good tips, Marcia--thanks!

Deb N said...

Love your shopping trip advice. In my younger days I loved to shop this way. Now, I have less energy and usually go with a goal in mind. However, I do seem to come away with things I don't need, but want 😆

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Thanks Lynn for stopping by.

Marcia King-Gamble said...


Shopping is therapy for me. I cme away with a lot of things I don't need. Regift is a great idea.

Judith Ashley said...

Marcia, in reading your post I can say while I understand every word and sentence and know it makes sense to you, the idea of finding peace and tranquility while shopping is an oxy-moron concept. My only exception would be in a rock/crystal shop. One reason I've come to realize is that I'm very allergic to the sizing that is on the fabric so even a short period of time in a store that sells clothing and I'm feeling sick. However your tips are great and I'll pass them on to my granddaughters who are more into shopping than I am.