Monday, December 4, 2023

Christmas Letter by Paty Jager

This month snuck up on me! I was so busy through the month of November, I didn't realize until today we were into December! 

Well, I knew because I sold books at a Holiday Bazaar on Dec. 1st and 2nd, but it didn't click that it was a new month until I was nudged to get this month's post written. I decided to share the Christmas letter my dog, Nia wrote.

Happy December!

Do you know what this means? More toys! Yes!! I love the little ones that squeak when I bite them. They are so much fun to run around the house squeaking and annoying the people and making Mikey want to take the toy away from me.

But then I also like the big ones. They have lots and lots and lots of stuffing! Big white billowy piles of stuffing. Once they are gutted, my favorite thing is to turn the toy inside out and chew on the seams. That is a real good tooth cleaning.

In case you haven’t figured it out, this is Nia, Paty’s Chiweenie. I’m now a year and a half old and am trying to be good. But it is so much fun to ignore someone calling to me when I’m zooming through the tall grass or eating wildlife poop. Even the tasty treats Paty carries with her can’t tempt me when I’m bounding around the side of the hill chasing rabbits. I really want to catch one of those furry things and see if I can pull out their stuffing.

I went on several trips this year. And they took a few without me. Which was okay. I got to go to the neighbors and play with their weenie dogs and puppy. We ran and ran and burst through their doggy door and around the living room. It’s more fun chasing dogs my own size than the big lugs, Harlie and Mikey.

In the spring Paty's hubby was busy getting fields ready for summer. I like it when I stay home with him. He doesn’t put me on a leash, and I get to zoom around the fields like a crazy little pup. 

May, when the whole family went to Alaska for a high school graduation and wedding, I stayed with the neighbors. I was glad I didn’t have to ride in a plane, but I zoomed around the neighbor's yard like a low-flying fighter jet!

At the end of the month, Paty tried out the new book trailer that they'd built. They made lots of noise in the shop while they tore it apart and then made it better. While she was at the Sumpter Flea Market, I stayed home. But in September, we both went to the Flea Market. It was fun to stand at the entrance to the trailer and wag my tail, drawing everyone over to pet me. Then Paty and Mary would ask them what kind of books they liked to read. I’d get pets and sometimes they would sell a book. Win-win for all of us!

Paty and I took a trip to Wallowa County to research for a book and to attend the Tamkaliks powwow in Wallowa. I stayed at her brother's house playing with Chubs while they drove out to Starvation Ridge where the Jeep had a flat tire. Luckily, her brother was kind enough to change the tire and they returned to Enterprise in time to get it fixed before the tire store closed. The powwow was as colorful and entrancing as Paty remembered from prior visits.
August brought a trip Paty had been waiting for. It was ten days on the Big Island of Hawaii with a friend. Her hubby was busy haying and told her to go. I stayed home with him, hanging out in the yard watching him drive hay equipment and occasionally getting a good zoom through the wet alfalfa and grass. I love the swish of the plants along my sides!

When Paty was home, we had fun walks, some around the fields and some up on the hills. I like the hills the best. There are so many different and interesting smells. I have my nose to the ground when I’m not trying to find Harlie who gets to run wherever she wants. I have to stay on my leash. Paty is afraid if I follow Harlie she’ll take off after a coyote or deer and, of course, I’d follow because who doesn’t love a good chase!

The first week of November, Paty went to Las Vegas for a book marketing conference. She came back tired and full of things she wants to incorporate into her writing career. We barely got back into a routine and Paty's granddaughter and her two fluffballs (Pomeranians) came over to house-sit while  Paty and her hubby went to Portland for a long weekend. Paty was selling books at the Portland Holiday Market and hubby was visiting friends. While they were away, Kevin (the male fluffball) and I learned how to squeeze under the gate. It was fun! Until her granddaughter saw us.

Now it’s December and I’m so excited! There are pretty lights all over the front and back porch and around my yard. I’m pretty sure it was this time last year that Mikey and I received several fun toys. Most of them have been gutted, torn apart, and thrown away by now, so we are ready for some new playthings.

I’m waiting for Santa to show up with all those new toys. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with lots of stuffed toys, ropes, and treats under the tree. And you have a fun and spunky new year. I know I plan on it!


Paty Jager is an award-winning author of 56 novels, 8 novellas, and short stories of murder mystery, western romance, and action-adventure. All her work has Western or Native American elements in them along with hints of humor and engaging characters. This is what Books a Plenty Book Reviews has to say about the Gabriel Hawke series: "The blend of nature tracking, clues, and the animals makes for a fascinating mystery that is hard to put down."


Judith Ashley said...

Wow! Nia's typing skills are awesome and she writes in whole sentences! Sign her up to do some of that marketing you learned about in Vegas. Fun post, Paty. This year has gone exceptionally slow at times and then whizzed by at others. Thanks for the recap of your busy year!

Barbara Rae Robinson said...

I love it, Paty! Cute post.

Diana McCollum said...

I really enjoyed Nia's post. Interesting to find out what a doggie's life is like. And of course the recap of all your adventures too.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

Sarah Raplee said...

Nia's post had me laughing and nodding my head, since I have two small dogs. I'm sure my Mac and Petey would love to run around with Nia!

Deb N said...

Love this post, Paty - by the way - I have a grand-dog in Colorado named Nia. I'm sure your Nia helped sell books. I mean, really, you wander by a table and there is a dog to pet and books to buy. As a customer - what's not to like? Great to hear a round-up of your 2023 year. Here's to a happy holiday for you, your family, Nia, and the other "members" of your household.

Paty Jager said...

Thanks, Judith! Yes, it is amazing how well Nia types. But then she lays behind me most days so maybe it's osmosis??

Thank you, Barb!

Hi Diana! Thanks. yes, there are times when I watch her and wonder what she's thinking.

Thanks, Sarah! I know Nia would love to run around with them. She loves everyone and every dog.

Thanks Deb! Yes! She pulled the people closer to the book trailer with her sad puppy dog eyes and wagging tail. Then we reeled them in with conversation. ;)