Technically, this post should be about New Years Resolutions. You know, the promises we make to
ourselves every January. Whether they are broken the first week, or we manage to claw and scrape and hold on to them, at least in spirit, all too often we end up heartbroken and worse off than ever by February. New Years resolutions are overrated, and almost literally made to be broken.
So, instead of touting the list of things that inevitably lead to feelings of depression and failure, I dedicate this post to to some positives.
Day by day, minute by minute, the sun hangs around just a little bit longer. Trust me, when you are living with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) every minute helps, along with mood stabilizing medication. I don’t need to resolve to be happier, it’s just happening.
If I one resolution, it is this: I will forgive myself when I flop. It will happen time and again. Life means I'll keep moving forward, even if its only baby steps. Each step mastered encourages me to take another. Meanwhile, I shall remain calm in 2024. In the words of an old song, "Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be".
PS, here’s some special advice for writers. Remember that being a writer without expecting rejection is like being a boxer without expecting to be hit. Success demands stepping up and taking a blow.
1 comment:
Well said, Barbara. You hit the proverbial nail on the head in your first paragraph. We make resolutions or set goals and at times we choose ones we'd like or even love to have happen yet we do not do the work. Using your P.S. we get hit and we don't get up and try again. I say "Why make that goal or resolution in the first place unless you are willing to keep at it all year long. Use that energy for something you have a passion for. You'll be happier."
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