By: Marcia King-Gamble
There are people whose lives revolve around goals. Mine, not
so much. I know that the best laid plans of mice or men, or authors and nine to
fivers, go awry. Life seldom goes as planned, and one just has to adapt to the unforeseen
and have the willingness to pivot.
It’s the same with New Year Resolutions, because as well
intended as they might be, by the second week of every New Year, they become a faded memory.
For those who follow me, you know I never make resolutions. I create vision boards (visual pictures) about what I want to accomplish in the new year.
I’ve kept these boards over the years, and have concluded after
reviewing several old ones that my intentions are way too scattered. This
year I have taken another approach. Instead I have focused on 4 areas that need
to be worked on, and my Vision Board (still a work in progress), will reflect the
things near and dear to me that need my attention.
Travel this year, believe it or not, is not the main focus.
Book Writing is. Decluttering is. Better financial management is, and more focus on having a more rewarding personal life. Hopefully, I will accomplish all this by weeding
out those who tend to suck up my energy without giving anything back.
What’s your plan for 2024? And what’s your strategy to
accomplish that plan?
Happy New Year All! Choose wisely where you place your focus.
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Marcia, I like your 4 areas focus. My #1 focus is my health...getting pain management, movement, diet, etc. in line with lowering/eliminating pain levels. #2 is professional - I do write and I also teach for The William Glasser International Institute and The Glasser Institute for Choice Theory. #3 is personal - my life other than pain management which includes family and friends. When #1 is under control #2 and #3 just get done. When it isn't, very little happens in those two areas either
Judith, I agree. Health should be number one. Without health we have nothing. Your priorities are in order.
My plan is focus on the small things that I can control. For example, my husband and I started volunteering to help the homeless in my county. I'm getting more exercise. Finding funny books and movies to watch during the Dark Months, as I'm prone to winter blues. I'm enjoying spending time with family, friends and pets. And we're gradually downsizing, which feels great.
I don't make resolutions, either!
It's a good thing that you do. Decluttering is on my list this 2024. Way too much stuff in my house.
I like your idea of vision boards and what you want to focus on in the coming year. I'm still working out what I will and won't focus on this year.
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