Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Inspiration for Writing Short Stories ... by Deb Noone

The month of March theme is all about inspiration. It just so happens I have a fun story to tell about inspiration.

First, some background. I love reading short romances that only take a few minutes to read. I also love to challenge myself by writing a romance in 600 to 1,000 words. This is a tricky task, for sure. So, devising a romantic story that is akin to a flash in time for the hero and heroine is a must.

One of my goals for 2024 was to write and submit ten short stories. I wrote one in late December and submitted it, after much editing, in January. I then wrote two more, both in response to calls for submissions. The first was a St. Patrick’s Day story, which I had a ton of fun writing. I also edited it at least twenty times. A tweak here and there, or a change of direction, are all part of the editing process. Truthfully, the inspiration part of coming up with an idea is the easy part. It’s always a kernel of a thought that blossoms into a full, but very short story. Then the hard part begins.

After sending in two stories, I went back to work on writing my next novel. Writing is hard work and I often need a break, both from the ache of typing non-stop for hours, but also to give my brain a rest. So, of course, I find things to do, like checking out the internet and I saw a call for an Easter story.

I mentally shook my head. Nope. I just wrote and sent in two. I got back to work on my current writing project. But the thought niggled at the back of my brain. Easter. Easter. Easter. What did I used to do as a kid? Hunt Easter eggs.

As an aside, I grew up in Washington, D.C. and I once went to the White House Easter Egg Roll—a tradition started by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878. This event was always held the Monday after Easter, when all schools were closed. I believe you had to have special tickets to get in. My sister and I would dress up in our Easter finest, including a bonnet and our little black shoes. Once we arrived at the White House, we had free run of the lawns, got to meet THE Easter Bunny, and gaze up to the White House balcony to see the President and First Lady waving at all of us. 

But back to hunting eggs…as an adult I accompanied my sister and niece to the neighborhood egg hunt. The night before, I helped my sister and other parents in the neighborhood hide colorful plastic eggs filled with candy in the “hidden” park surrounded by neighborhood homes that rimmed the hill in what I like to call a secret garden.

AHA! Remembering that one special Easter with my sister, brother-in-law, and niece… Well, you guessed it. Inspiration hit.

I began typing and realized that the heroine, the visiting aunt, would meet her sister’s new neighbor who was going to dress as the Easter Bunny. Sparks flew. They met for dinner at the sister’s home and again, just the two. And by the end of the story, on Easter Day when the kids are collecting eggs, the aunt realizes she is in love with the Easter Bunny.

I wrote the story, adding and subtracting words, moving around paragraphs, and after SEVENTEEN versions, I finally sent in the story at the beginning of January. With great excitement, I can announce that in late February the story was contracted and will be released in a magazine toward the end of March.

The theme for April is “Three Things I Do Well.” My second “inspiration” this morning was to write about the creativity of working with food. That is one thing I believe I do well, as I used to cook in restaurants and cater. So, I look forward to writing the April blog and putting it out into the ether for all to read next month. Stay tuned to find out what are the other two things I think I do well, that is, when I figure out what those are—HA!

                     What inspires you? 

      Or how do you jumpstart your inspiration?


The Prince’s Son
Amazon(also available in print) 

~ cottages to cabins ~ keep the home fires burning ~

Delsora Lowe writes small town sweet and spicy romances and contemporary westerns, from the mountains of Colorado to the shores of Maine.

Author of the Starlight Grille series, Serenity Harbor Maine novellas, and the Cowboys of Mineral Springs series, Lowe has also authored short romances for Woman’s World magazine. The Love Left Behind is a Hartford Estates, R.I. wedding novella. A Christmas novel (The Inn at Gooseneck Lane) and novella (Holiday Hitchhiker) were released in late fall 2022. Look for book 3 of the cowboy’s series, as well as book 2 of the Hartford Estates series, in 2024.

Social Media Links:

Author website: www.delsoralowe.com
Facebook Author page:
Amazon Author page:
Books2Read Author page:
BookBub Author Page: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/delsora-lowe-93c6987f-129d-483d-9f5a-abe603876518
Goodreads Author Page:
Instagram: #delsoralowe / https://www.instagram.com/delsoralowe/


Photo Credits:

Love in hand: Download | FreeImages walking-love-bond-5693695.svg 
Love Tree: love-tree-5690191
Love Arrow: Flat Love Arrow PNG Design Free Clipart Download | FreeImages
Free love arrow Clipart Images | FreeImages
Easter Bunny: Easter Bunny Painting an Easter Egg Clip Art - Easter Bunny Painting an Easter Egg Image (mycutegraphics.com)
Easter Eggs: Free Vector | Easter eggs collection (freepik.com) 1072593-OMUVFNO.JPG
Cherry Blossoms: Cherry Blossom Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik
Free Vector | Free vector watercolor cherry blossom collection (freepik.com) 12982494_5114318_CherryBlosooms



Susan Vaughan said...

I love, love this post about how you came to write your Easter egg hunt story. What a sweet memory of the White House Easter Egg Hunt and your quest to write very short stories. I have never tried something that short. Maybe I should! You've inspired me! Thanks for brightening my day. I'll be looking for the magazine next week.

Sue Ward Drake said...

Love the inspiration for this story! And how fun it must have been to go to the White House for a hunt. I remember once my Dad hide an egg on top of his little 50s Volkswagon. None of us kids found it. It was too high. Maybe my sister did, but I sure didn't.
Your process is interesting. Keep going. How many more WsW stories to write this year? (Best luck on selling another!)

Deb N said...

Thanks, Susan - Glad you could stop by. There is a WsW FB page that anyone can join. They put out their seasonal calls on that loop. Abd also have story guidelines in the file section. And Kate Willougby is the facilitator - she is a great resource. She teaches classes on writing for WsW. I sold my first romance after taking her class.

Deb N said...

Sue - thanks. The inspiration was bittersweet for me. Wonderful memories with my sister, but I miss her so much! Love the egg hidden on the roof of the Volkswagen. That would be a hard one to find. My Dad was great at hiding eggs too.

My goal (and plan) is to write ten, but I have already written several others I did not plan on, so I might get more written than I originally planned. Once I get in the short story-writing mode, I get in a rhythm. And if I don't write them for a long period of time, I have to get back in that shorter writing mode.

Judith Ashley said...

Fun post, Delsora. Our memories are certainly full of possibilities for short stories and novels and anything in between. I'll be on the lookout for Woman's World's issue. I do look for it but seldom see it in the store...but then I'm seldom in the stores these days.

Barbara Rae Robinson said...

Great post! I love how inspiration hits you and you run with it. And great memories too.

Deb N said...

Judith - I sometimes miss editions of WsW too, since they are only on the shelf for a week. Let me know if you miss it, and I send you a copy.

Deb N said...

Barb - I think the trick is to run to the computer or find a scrap of paper and write down the idea ASAP, and at least write a few sentences - otherwise the "brilliant" idea is gone forever. And... sometimes when I look at the idea later, I think Hmmmmmmm ... that's not such a great idea. Or...where was I going with this idea? And then, I can go for months without any ideas at all. It's one of those all or nothing situations. :-)

Sarah Raplee said...

Loved your post, Delsora! Your process is interesting, and I loved how you developed your Easter story. Can't wait to read it!

Deb N said...

Thanks for stopping by Sarah - The story was fun to write - it brought back many memories, since the setting is true to the area. While I was writing the story, I could feel myself in the scene. The story itself, of course, is fiction.

I'm working on another one now, where the setting is also real - only a LONG time ago when my kids were small. But the story is total fiction.

Judy Kentrus said...

Deb, what a fun post! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Diana McCollum said...


I love your process for writing the very short stories. and what fond memories of Easter at the White House with your sister.

I'll look for the magazine.

Deb N said...

Judy - so glad you could stop by. I've spent the last 2 months writing a lot of short stories for WsW magazine. So excited my Easter one comes out this Friday in the April 1 issue. Writing short is a nice break from writing novels and novellas. And... gives me a chance to let my NJRW 30K book rest before I tackle first round of edits - which will probably be massive - UGH!

Deb N said...

Diana - so glad you could check in. It wasn't until I started writing the blog that I remembered that long ago White House memory. WOW - A LOT of years ago :-)