Saturday, April 27, 2024

Clean the Green Way (a repeat)

by Diana McCollum

Let me just say up front, this is a repeat of a post from 2012.  


First let me say that I am so-o-o envious of Paty Jager’s writing space pictured in her April 2, 2012 post right here on Romancing the Genres Blog.

Up until our move to the High desert in OR I had a spare bedroom that I had turned into my writing room. There were bookshelves that lined the walls, a magnificent computer stand with doors that closed and locked when not in use and even room for my exercise bike. The computer stand stood in the corner by the window. I could look out into my garden whenever I wanted to. I had all the room I could possibly need or want.
Fast forward to now. I have a small stand cramped into a corner of our T.V. room. I do have a window I can see out to the bushes and the road. My writing books are packed in the garage, except for one shelf of “How to…” and research books that have found a home on the one free shelf in the closet.

I have found with this smaller space that I have become a neater writer. My stacks of notes and papers have to be organized, dealt with or thrown away because there is no room for those stacks to grow. No free space on the floor either

Now to get back to the subject at hand, cleaning the Green Way is not only good for the environment it is good for the pocket book. 

My friend and one of my critique partners, Louise P. lives in Kansas and last week sent me a list of Green Cleaning Recipes. I spoke with her today (since I haven’t tried any of the recipes) and asked her if she had tried them.

Louise said she made and tried the furniture polish and it works wonderfully. Her dining room table has never been so shiny.
So here’s the Green Recipe for wood polish:

1 cup mineral oil
25 drops of pine essential oil 

Mix in a spray bottle by shaking up. Do this each time before using.
Then when you polish in the different rooms of your house it will smell like Yule time. If you don’t like pine, try cedar or clove essential oil.

What cleaning short cuts, saving time or money, do you use?


Sarah Raplee said...

Great post for Spring Cleaning, Diana! I'm going to try the furniture polish recipe.

I use a cup of white vinegar in a bucket of warm water to mop wood floors. Leaves them clean and shiny. Also to clean burned on food off a ceramic cooktop, make a paste of baking soda and water and apply to the stubborn spots. Leave on for an hour, keeping moist by spritzing with water. Then scrub with a no-scratch sponge pad, rinse and dry.

Diana McCollum said...

Very good ideas, Sarah!

I do use baking soda and vinegar on my glass cook stove, works great for loosing up burn on spots.