Friday, June 14, 2024

Something new every day!

 by Diana McCollum

This year we've planted a lot of flowers and vegetables in our yard. Early mornings when it is cool I like to meander on the gravel paths and check the flowers and vegetable gardens. My husband always plants dahlias they are some of our favorites. When we moved in here 3 yrs ago, there was just a lawn and dirt out back. 

back yard

Area desert before we developed

Now these areas look so much different.

There are flowers and vegetable gardens.

This area we now call Rubble Butte. We have different kinds of catus and a fire pit, mounds of rocks.

The garden areas are developed too. With some in the ground gardens and some in grow boxes.
Bouquet from the garden

Peas, beans, squash and roses!

Kitchen garden-green onions, radishes, lettuce herbs etc

It's been a joy to watch seeds sprout and blossoms bloom. 

And I had my first fresh salad with lettuce, radish and basil from my garden. Tomatoes are coming along but not ripe yet, egg plants have set and we have a few growing. Only blooms on the squash, melons and watermelons.

Those are the new things I look for each day as I water the plants. Blooms, new growth, tendrils and new sprouts.

Do you have flowers or vegetables you enjoy?

HAPPY SUMMER(I know it's not here yet, but soon!)


Judith Ashley said...

You and your DH have put in a lot of work to have a beautiful yard. I'm looking forward to tomatoes. My zucchini went in late so I'm not sure I'll have any from those plants before fall. I've herbs so next time I make soup I'll add some lemon thyme I think or maybe oregano. I've also got 2 types of sage and rosemary.

Barbara Rae Robinson said...

You've done a beautiful job with your yard! Love the before and after pictures. I was going to put in some new plants this year, but I doubt it will get done.

Sarah Raplee said...

We built a raised bed on the hill beside the house for easy access. Lettuce, tomatoes, paddy pan squash, chard kale, oregano, lavendar, peppers, beans and peas. We have more lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes and eggplants in pots on the deck. We get exercise and moving meditation working in the garden. Lovely! Your yard is gorgeous, Diana!

Lynn Lovegreen said...

Nothing better than fresh veggies, Diana! We have a few veggies outdoors (lettuce, collards, garlic, zucchini, and peas) and a small greenhouse for tomatoes.

Enjoy the summer!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Wish I had a green thumb. Tried growing tomatoes and the birds ate them. This is why I enjoy a Green Market, so jealous of you.

Deb N said...

Love seeing all you have done in your back yard. An oasis, for sure. I used to have the energy for all the gardening. Now it is tomato and basil plants in pots on the deck. But I do have perennials that blossom throughout the summer. ENJOY!