Monday, August 26, 2024

Advice for the Writer by Marcia King-Gamble

                                                                    Advice for the Writer

By: Marcia King-Gamble

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Getting published traditionally has always been tough and now it’s gotten even tougher. It’s not enough to just write. You need to have a strong social media presence. 





These are all social Media Platforms you should be familiar with. In today's world a writer has no choice but to become creative. Never ever forget that writing/publishing is a business. It takes more than just talent to get published and sell books. Study the market. 

What’s selling. What's  not. What are the trends.

Whether you decide to become Indie or go traditional, don’t skimp on things that may give you an edge.

A good cover

A well written book blurb

Good editing

All can make the difference.  Please don’t underestimate the power of networking. It often boils down to who you know. Use the social media mentioned to your advantage. Reach out to colleagues without being offensive. Attend conferences in person and on Zoom. Make a connection and keepin touch.

Build a writing resume. If you have little experience or want to add to your following, write for an online community. Contact small businesses and offer to write/edit content for their signage. Write for your local neighborhood ezine or a local club. Write Dating profiles. People will pay you to do that.

Keep building that online following. Reach out to the many author / reader groups and book clubs there are.   Get comfortable stepping out of your lane. Try new ways of establishing a presence. I have seen many authors at craft fairs displaying their wares.

Decide if you want to be Indie or Traditional. Both have their pluses and minuses. Indie may cost you a bit but gets you out there.

If used correctly, social media is a great way to communicate and show your talent. Set up a newsletter, and  share what you are passionate about.  It doesn’t hurt to post a pic or two of you doing something other than writing.   Readers love seeing the human side of you.  

Try to gain reviews.

Writing should be fun and something you do every day!.

Find me on Kindle Vella writing as Sari Smith  or Marcia King-Gamble.


Lynn Lovegreen said...

Thanks for the great advice, Marcia!

Anonymous said...

Great advice! Thanks for an informative interesting blog post!!!

Marcia King-Gamble said...

Lynn always nice to hear from you.

Marcia King-Gamble said...

My pleasure. Questions ask away

Deb Noone said...

Marcia - all great advice and reminders. Getting the word out and being visible is the hardest part of writing a book. - at least for me.