Saturday, September 28, 2024


Bestselling Author, and friend, Carla Neggers was kind enough to answer my questions.  Here's what she had to say about writing, the publishing world, and living her best life.  

1/ When did you first know you wanted to become a writer?

Early on. I used to climb a tree with a pad and pen as a kid. I’d sit on my favorite branch and spin stories. I just always have loved to write.

2/ Once published, did you set goals as to what you wanted to accomplish?

I was more focused on short-term goals (deadlines) than longer-term goals. I do think goals help! Publishing was very different then, too.

3/ You started off writing romance and then switched to suspense why did you make that change?

I started writing suspense simultaneously with romance fairly early in my writing career. Sales took off with The Waterfall, my first New York Times bestseller, and subsequent books. There’s an element of romance in my suspense novels. There’s also often an element of mystery or suspense—some sort of intriguing puzzle—in my contemporary romances, including my recent Swift River Valley series.

4/What are some of the most memorable moments in your publishing history?

So many! What first comes to mind are the great times I’ve had meeting readers on my book tours around the country. That shared love of a good story is something I draw on when the writing gets tough. Then there are author dinners. We’ve had a few of those, haven’t we? Lots of laughs, loads of fun. And I’ve had the privilege of working with some outstanding editors and other publishing professionals. Smart, creative, dedicated people who often stay behind the scenes.

5/ If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?

Well, I started out thinking I’d be a musician. I studied music in college for a time. French horn and piano. That never would have worked out but I still love music. I play piano but the horn found a new home.

6/ Many writers are no longer writing. Why do you think that is?

I suspect the reasons are as individual as the writer. That’s certainly what I’ve seen with authors I know who aren’t writing. That’s not me—I love to write now as much as ever!

7/ There have been so many changes in the industry. Publishers merged. Editors lost their jobs. eBooks took over. Do you see the Publishing world shifting again?

Publishing has been changing since I sent my first book to an agent. Every time I think I have it figured out, it changes! And now the changes are at lightning speed. I’ve no doubt more are afoot.

8/ No one predicted that eBooks would take off the way they did, or that Indie authors would be on the New York and USA Bestseller list. What are your thoughts?

It’s been fun to watch and participate in as both an author (with my backlist books) and as a reader. We’ll see what’s next!

9/Changing the subject a bit, what made you take up running? 

I ran my first half-marathon with my daughter and she’d had a narrow escape with her three-year-old son from the Boston Marathon bombings. I’ve kept it up. My doctor thinks it’s great, ha.

10/ You used to go to Ireland quite a bit. Is Ireland your happy place?

My husband and I still go to Ireland! We were there for almost a month this spring. I’ve done writing retreats on my own, too. I think it is our happy place. We enjoy hiking, the scenery, the food, the people. And I ran the Dingle half-marathon a few years ago…quite an experience.

11/ And finally, what’s next for Carla?

I’ve had a break from publishing but not from writing. I have several projects in the works, including a Sharpe and Donovan tale. I’m not climbing trees to write any longer, but I do still have lots of stories to tell.

Thanks for having me here, and the great questions!

Carla can be reached here:

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