Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Embracing the crone ...

I’m fast approaching another birthday, the same number as the last two digits of my year of birth. 

Wow, that just blew my mind. 

I tried to come up with another example, like turning 50 and born in 1950 – nope, not this year. Born in 1940 and about to turn 40? Doesn’t add up. But I was born in 1962 and will soon turn 62. That sounds significant. I’ll let you know if anything mystical-magical happens.

Anyway, I’m getting older and I’m quite enjoying the freedom of not giving a rat’s ass about much of anything beyond family and friends. For a time, I worried that I was turning into a cranky old lady. But then I talked to friends my age and I’m not alone in adopting the old crone vibe. 

I follow a woman on Instagram who encapsulates much of what I’m feeling and thinking on any given day.  @menopausalmayhemmothers Here are a few recent highlights from her account. 

Luanna Stewart is a Canadian author who has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. She spends her days writing many flavours of romance, torturing her heroes and heroines before helping them find their happy-ever-after. But when she’s taking a break from wrecking people’s lives, you can find her pulling weeds, baking something delicious, or enjoying a cup of tea whilst completing a craft project. Enjoying an empty nest (most of the time), she lives in Nova Scotia with her patient husband and a yard full of voracious deer. 

Website ~Bookbub ~Instagram 


Diana McCollum said...

Love the memes! I'll have to sign up on Instagram ,

Sarah Raplee said...

It's nice to become more comfortable and confident in our own skins, isn't it? So different from our younger selves. Great post, Luanna!

Paty Jager said...

Great memes and I, too, feel as if I am being more encapsulated in what I want to do and when with family.